ยง 18-1822 Establishment of commission by petition. Notwithstanding
the provisions of section twenty of the municipal home rule law, a
proposed local law creating a commission as provided in section 18-1820
of this article shall be submitted to referendum providing such proposed
local law is submitted with a petition requesting that such proposed
local law be submitted to the electors of the village for their approval
or disapproval in accordance with the provisions and procedures set
forth in article nine of this chapter.
Structure New York Laws
Article 18 - Alterations and Form of Government
18-1802 - Taxes to Pay Interest and Principal of Town Highway Bonds.
18-1804 - Diminishing Boundaries.
18-1820 - Establishment of a Commission for Village Manager.
18-1822 - Establishment of Commission by Petition.
18-1824 - Form of Proposition.