ยง 178. Construction, leasing, equipping and maintenance of armories.
1. The adjutant general, whenever he shall deem it necessary and
provided that funds have been appropriated or provided by the state or
by the United States or by both for such purposes, is authorized to
construct, reconstruct, expand, convert, lease, repair, alter,
rehabilitate, improve, demolish, equip, furnish, maintain and operate
all armories, camps, ranges, bases, buildings, structures and other
facilities for the organized militia.
2. The size and suitability of such armories, camps, ranges, bases,
buildings, structures and other facilities and the necessity for
expenditures for all work to be done for all materials, articles and
equipment to be furnished or installed and for all services to be
performed pursuant to authority granted in subdivision one of this
section shall be determined by the adjutant general.
3. The necessity for expenditures for repairs, alterations, materials,
articles, equipment and services shall be certified to the adjutant
general by the officer in charge and control of the armory or facility
4. Plans and specifications for the construction, reconstruction,
expansion, conversion, repair, alteration, rehabilitation, improvement,
installation of equipment and demolition of military facilities under
the jurisdiction of the adjutant general shall be prepared by the office
of general services. No such plans and specifications shall be prepared
by the office of general services, however, until so requested by the
adjutant general. The adjutant general shall approve or reject such
plans and specifications, and no work shall begin until they have been
approved. The appropriate office or bureau of the division of military
and naval affairs, when directed by the adjutant general, may prepare
estimates, plans and specifications for such work which, before approval
by the adjutant general shall be approved by the office of general
services. All such work shall be done in accordance with the public
buildings law.
5. All work done and all materials, articles and equipment furnished
or installed under authority granted in subdivision one of this section
shall be inspected by a person designated by the adjutant general.
Payment therefor shall not be made until the adjutant general shall
certify in writing that such work has been performed and that such
materials, articles and equipment have been furnished or installed in
accordance with the provisions of the agreement or contract.
Expenditures which do not exceed five thousand dollars shall be made
only upon a like certificate of the inspector or of the officer in
charge and control of the armory or other military facility where the
work is performed or materials, articles or equipment furnished or
6. Copies of all agreements and contracts made for work to be done or
for materials, articles or equipment to be furnished or installed under
authority granted in subdivision one of this section shall be filed
immediately in the office of the comptroller of the state.
Structure New York Laws
175 - Definition of an Armory.
176 - Dock Facilities for the New York Naval Militia.
177 - Acquisition of Real Property for Armories and Other Military Facilities of the State.
178 - Construction, Leasing, Equipping and Maintenance of Armories.
180 - Armories and Other Facilities in the City of New York.
180-A - Lease and Operation of Seventh Regiment Armory.
181 - Procurement of Federal Funds for Construction, Et Cetera.
182 - Control of Armories and Other Facilities.
185 - Disposal of Useless Property.
186 - Disposition of Real Property of the State Devoted to the Use of the Organized Militia.
187 - Armory Employees; Grades, Employment, Duties and Compensation.
189 - Qualifications of Armory Employees; Membership in New York State Employees' Retirement System.