New York Laws
Article 7 - Miscellaneous Provisions
163-A - Contracts With Green Thumb Environmental Beautification, Incorporated.

ยง 163-a. Contracts with Green Thumb Environmental Beautification,
Incorporated. Each state department, agency, board, bureau, commission
or other unit performing governmental functions for the state, within
amounts appropriated therefor, may contract with Green Thumb
Environmental Beautification, Incorporated, a nonprofit organization
that is organized for the purpose of environmental beautification and
employs persons fifty-five years of age or older whose annual income
does not exceed: (1) two hundred fifty percent of the non-farm federal
poverty level applicable to a family of one (as defined and updated by
the federal department of health and human services) for an individual
living alone or in another person's home; or (2) four hundred percent of
the non-farm federal poverty level applicable to a family of one (as
defined and updated by the federal department of health and human
services) for a couple living alone or in another person's home. The
contract shall name the organization, the amount and manner of payments
for the service to be rendered, nature of such service, the rendering of
a verified account of the disbursements with verified or certified
vouchers therefor attached, a refund of any unused amount, and such
other conditions upon the use thereof as may be deemed proper.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

EXC - Executive

Article 7 - Miscellaneous Provisions

161 - Certain Searches, the Filing of Papers, and Certified Copies, Ordered by State Officers to Be Gratuitous.

162 - Contracts for Professional Services of State and Municipal Employees.

163 - Contracts for Services of State Agencies.

163-A - Contracts With Green Thumb Environmental Beautification, Incorporated.

164 - Reports by and to the Department.

164-A - Report and Publication Economy Regulations.

164-B - State Aid to Rural Areas: Agency Reports.

164-C - Printing Cost Reduction Notices.

164-D - Availability of Application Forms.

165 - Commission on Uniform State Laws; Object; Membership; Term of Office; Expenses.

166 - Record of Appearances.

167 - Advertising and Publicizing Summer Camps Cited as Subversive.

168 - Notices to Attorneys at Law by State Bodies or Officers.

168-A - Designation of Days of Commemoration.

169 - Salaries of Certain State Officers.

170 - Audit of Agencies by the State Comptroller; Reports of Corrective Action.

170-A - Celebration of Rosa Parks; Bus Companies.

170-B - Employee Loans.

170-B*2 - Racial References Contained in State and Municipal Forms.

170-C - Regulatory Penalties for Small Businesses.

170-D - Disclosure of Disabled Tenants' Rights.

170-E - Disclosure of Lawful Source of Income Rights to Prospective Tenants.

170-E*2 - Collection of Demographic Information.

170-F - Website Accessibility; Contractors and Vendors.

171 - Discovery and Disposition of Human Remains and Funerary Objects.