ยง 160-uuuu. Rule-making authority. The department may adopt rules not
inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter which may be reasonably
necessary to implement, administer, and enforce the provisions of this
Structure New York Laws
Article 6-H - Real Estate Appraisal Management Companies
160-BBBB - Registration Required.
160-EEEE - Denial of Registration.
160-FFFF - Expiration of License.
160-HHHH - Owner Requirements.
160-IIII - Controlling Persons.
160-JJJJ - Employee Requirements.
160-MMMM - Appraiser Independence; Unlawful Acts.
160-NNNN - Mandatory Reporting.
160-OOOO - Unprofessional Conduct.
160-PPPP - Alteration of Appraisal Reports.
160-RRRR - Disciplinary Hearing.
160-SSSS - Power to Suspend a License.