New York Laws
Article 16 - Appliance and Equipment Efficiency Standards
16-104 - Applicability, Conduct Prohibited.

(a) it meets the efficiency standards applicable to such product as of
the date of manufacture of such product or as of such other date as may
be determined in accordance with the regulation establishing the
standard for such product; and
(b) if required by regulations adopted pursuant to this article, the
manufacturer of such product certifies that the product meets said
efficiency standards. As used within this subdivision, reference to any
new product means any individual product subject to the requirements of
this article.
3. The prohibitions contained in subdivision two of this section shall
not apply to:
(a) products manufactured in the state and sold outside the state;
(b) products manufactured outside the state and sold at wholesale
inside the state for final retail sale outside the state;
(c) products installed in manufactured homes at the time of
(d) products designed expressly for installation and use in
recreational vehicles; or
(e) urinals and water closets designed and marketed exclusively for
use at prisons or mental health care facilities.
4. The adoption of efficiency standards for any water-related
appliances, equipment or fixtures shall be subject to approval by the
commissioner of environmental conservation. Any such standard which
would conflict with the provisions of section 15-0314 of the
environmental conservation law shall not take effect until and unless
waived by the commissioner of environmental conservation.
5. In adopting the flexible demand appliance standards, the New York
state energy research and development authority shall consider the
National Institute of Standards and Technology reliability and
cybersecurity protocols, relevant New York cybersecurity laws,
regulations, and advisories, or other cybersecurity protocols that are
equally or more protective, and shall adopt, at a minimum, the North
American Electric Reliability Corporation's Critical Infrastructure
Protection standards.