New York Laws
Title 29 - Water Resources Management Strategy
15-2907 - Water Resources Management Strategy; Development Purpose.

Not later than January first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven, the
department of environmental conservation, with the participation of the
department of health and whenever possible, regional planning and
development boards, shall develop and submit a complete statewide water
resources management strategy to the water resources planning council
for its review and adoption. This strategy shall be composed of substate
water resources management strategies which recognize the natural
boundaries of the water resource basins, watersheds, and aquifers and
existing significant deficiencies of water supply, and which organize
these in the most practical and manageable manner. Each substate
management strategy shall analyze the present and future demographic,
natural resource, economic development, water quality, and conservation
requirements of public and private water systems and develop regional
management strategies to meet the water resources requirements of
residential, agricultural, industrial and commercial users as well as
assure the highest possible quality and quantity of these resources.

Strategies shall analyze the efficiency and capacity of existing water
supply sources and facilities and shall contain recommendations for
appropriate modifications, restoration, and expansion or development of
new sources or facilities. Such strategies shall also include
evaluations and recommendations as to the feasibility of including
hydroelectric energy generation facilities as part of the modifications,
restoration, and expansion or development of new or existing resources
or facilities. The strategy shall also contain recommendations regarding
implementation of these strategies by the department of health, the
department of environmental conservation, other appropriate state
agencies, local governments and special districts. In addition, the
departments shall submit to the council substate water resources
management strategies as soon as such strategies are developed. The
departments shall also report regularly to the council on the
development of the strategies and receive the council's recommendations
and directions. Such substate strategies shall also be available for
public inspection as soon as such strategies are developed.