New York Laws
Title 25 - Joint River Regulating, River Improvement and Drainage Improvement Districts
15-2503 - Finances.

The financial affairs of each sub-district shall be handled as a unit
and in accordance with the provisions of title 25 of this article which
apply thereto. Compensation of the members of the board, salaries of
regular employees of the regulating district, together with expenses and
general operating costs shall be allocated by the board on a time basis
among the sub-districts and paid from district funds. Such payments
shall not operate to change the status of any member, officer or
employee, nor shall they result in an increment in the rate of payment
made to them, computed on an annual basis. Preliminary costs incurred in
the formation of a sub-district shall be reimbursed from sub-district
funds if the sub-district is formed; otherwise they shall be a charge
against the signers of the petition. Funds raised under the provisions
of title 21 of this article cannot be used in connection with any river
or drainage improvement district or sub-district.