1. Unless a license has been obtained therefor under this title, or
the diversion of such waters is subject to the charging or imposition of
an equitable rental under this title, it shall be unlawful for any
person or public corporation who has been notified by the department to
desist from such conduct, to willfully take, divert, draw or make use
of, for power and/or other commercial or manufacturing purposes:
a. waters, or the bed or other real property required for the use of
such waters, in which the state has a proprietary right or interest;
b. boundary waters of the state concerning which the state has
jurisdiction over the diversion or interference with the flow of the
same for power purposes, solely or concurrently with any other
jurisdiction or owner of a proprietary right.
2. The use of such water, except when the right to the use thereof has
been acquired by means of a written license issued pursuant to the
provisions of title 17 of this article, or when the diversion of such
water is subject to the charging or imposition of an equitable rental
pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 1 of section 15-1719 of this
article, shall be prima facie evidence of the wilfulness of the taking,
drawing, diversion or use thereof and of the guilt of the person taking,
diverting or making use thereof.
Structure New York Laws
ENV - Environmental Conservation
15-1701 - Reservation of State Control.
15-1705 - Licenses; Approval by the Governor.
15-1707 - Procedure on Application for License.
15-1709 - Preliminary Permits.
15-1713 - Waters Impounded by Dams Constructed for Power Purposes Impressed With a Public Interest.
15-1715 - Licenses and the Protection of Navigation.
15-1717 - Provisions for the Revision and Readjustment of Rent in Licenses.
15-1719 - Equitable Rental for Niagara River Water.
15-1721 - Reservation in the License; State Control of Rates and Use and Distribution of Power.
15-1723 - Contribution to the Cost of Headwater Improvement.
15-1725 - Prosecution of Project Works.
15-1727 - Maintenance of Project Works.
15-1731 - Eminent Domain; Transmission Lines.
15-1733 - Use of Land Occupied by a Public Highway.
15-1735 - Contracts Extending Beyond License Period.
15-1737 - Transfer of License Restricted.
15-1739 - Revocation of License.
15-1741 - Re-Entry at Expiration of the License Period.
15-1743 - Renewal and Extension of Licenses.
15-1745 - Prohibited Diversions.
15-1747 - False Entries, Statements or Reports.
15-1749 - Previous Grantees Not to Divert Waters Without a License.