New York Laws
Article 4-B - Division for Small-Business
135 - Assistance of Other Agencies.

ยง 135. Assistance of other agencies. 1. To effectuate the purposes of
this article, the commissioner may request from any department,
division, board, bureau, commission or other agency of the state or from
any public corporation or district, and the same are authorized to
provide, such assistance, services and data as will enable the office
properly to carry out its functions, powers and duties hereunder.

2. On or before July first, two thousand twenty-one, and on or before
such date annually thereafter, every state agency and public authority
shall provide to the department of economic development a list of
programs, including a description of each of such programs, offered by
such state agency or public authority to assist small businesses doing
business within this state and the contact information for such
programs. Such program information provided to the department shall
include employment level requirements or business industry or ownership
requirements of the business and will be categorized as such by the
department of economic development.