New York Laws
Part 10 - Punitive Articles
130.113 - Frauds Against the Government.

(A) makes any claim against the United States, the state or any
officer thereof; or
(B) presents to any person in the civil or military service thereof,
for approval or payment, any claim against the United States, the state
or any officer thereof; or
(2) who, for the purpose of obtaining the approval, allowance, or
payment of any claim against the United States, the state or any officer
(A) makes or uses any writing or other paper knowing the same to
contain any false or fraudulent statements; or
(B) makes any oath to any fact or to any writing or other paper
knowing such oath to be false; or
(C) forges or counterfeits any signature upon any writing or other
paper, or uses any such signature knowing the same to be forged or
counterfeited; or
(3) who, having charge, possession, custody, or control of any money
or other property of the United States, or the state, furnished or
intended for the armed forces of the United States or the organized
militia or any force thereof, knowingly delivers to any person having
authority to receive the same, any amount thereof less than that for
which he receives a certificate or receipt; or
(4) who, being authorized to make or deliver any paper certifying the
receipt of any property of the United States or the state, furnished or
intended for the armed forces of the United States or the organized
militia or any force thereof, makes or delivers to any person such
writing without having full knowledge of the truth of the statements
therein contained and with intent to defraud the United States or the
shall, upon conviction, be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

MIL - Military

Article 7 - Code of Military Justice

Part 10 - Punitive Articles

130.73 - Principals.

130.74 - Accessory After the Fact.

130.75 - Conviction of Lesser Included Offense.

130.76 - Attempts.

130.77 - Conspiracy.

130.78 - Solicitation.

130.79 - Fraudulent Enlistment, Appointment, or Separation.

130.80 - Unlawful Enlistment, Appointment, or Separation.

130.81 - Desertion.

130.82 - Absence Without Leave.

130.83 - Missing Movement.

130.84 - Contempt Towards Officials.

130.85 - Disrespect Towards Superior Officer.

130.86 - Assaulting or Willfully Disobeying Officer.

130.87 - Insubordinate Conduct Toward Noncommissioned Officer or Warrant Officer.

130.88 - Failure to Obey Order or Regulations.

130.89 - Cruelty and Maltreatment.

130.90 - Mutiny or Sedition.

130.91 - Arrest and Confinement.

130.92 - Releasing Prisoner Without Proper Authority.

130.93 - Unlawful Detention of Another.

130.94 - Noncompliance With Procedural Rules.

130.95 - Misbehavior Before the Enemy.

130.96 - Subordinate Compelling Surrender.

130.97 - Improper Use of Countersign.

130.98 - Forcing a Safeguard.

130.99 - Captured or Abandoned Property.

130.100 - Aiding the Enemy.

130.101 - Misconduct as a Prisoner.

130.102 - False Official Statements.

130.103 - Military Property--- Loss, Damage, Destruction, or Wrongful Disposition.

130.104 - Property Other Than Military Property--- Waste, Spoil, or Destruction.

130.105 - Improper Hazarding of Vessel.

130.106 - Drunken or Reckless Driving.

130.107 - Drunk on Duty--- Misbehavior.

130.108 - Dueling.

130.109 - Malingering.

130.110 - Riot or Breach of Peace.

130.111 - Provoking Speeches or Gestures.

130.112 - Perjury.

130.113 - Frauds Against the Government.

130.114 - Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and Gentleman.

130.115 - General Section.