ยง 130. Notice of meeting for incorporation. Notice of a meeting for
the purpose of incorporating an unincorporated Baptist church shall be
given as follows: The notice shall be in writing, and shall state, in
substance, that a meeting of such unincorporated church will be held at
its usual place of worship at a specified day and hour, for the purpose
of incorporating such church, electing trustees thereof, and selecting a
corporate name therefor. The notice must be signed by at least six
persons of full age, who are then members in good and regular standing
of such church by admission into full communion or membership therewith.
A copy of such notice shall be publicly read at a regular meeting of
such unincorporated church for public worship, on the two successive
Sundays immediately preceding the meeting, by the minister of such
church, or a deacon thereof or by any person qualified to sign such
Structure New York Laws
130 - Notice of Meeting for Incorporation.
131 - The Meeting for Incorporation.
132 - The Certificate of Incorporation.
133 - Time, Place and Notice of Corporate Meetings.
134 - Organization and Conduct of Corporate Meetings; Qualifications of Voters Thereat.
135 - Changing Date of Annual Corporate Meetings.
136 - Changing Number of Trustees.
138 - The Creation and Filling of Vacancies Among Trustees of Such Churches.
139 - Control of Trustees by Corporate Meetings of Such Churches; Salary of Minister.