§ 13-a. Payments for Indians. Whenever it shall appear that any
person whose name shall be certified for payment of an annuity or other
fund by the state is incapable of receiving it because of incompetency
or infancy said payment shall be made to the attorney or agent of the
tribe of which said incompetent or infant is a member, as trustee, who
shall disburse it for the benefit of said incompetent or infant in such
manner as will best promote his or her general welfare, except when such
payment is certified to be made to a member of the Cayuga tribe
incapable of receiving it in which event said payment shall be made to
the state department of social welfare for the purposes hereinbefore
Structure New York Laws
Article 2 - General Provisions
2 - New York State Indian Nations and Tribes.
5-A - Surrender of Tribal Records.
6 - Exemption of Reservation Lands From Taxation.
7 - Partition of Tribal Lands.
7-A - Purchase of Lands of Indians.
8 - Intrusion on Tribal Lands.
9 - Residence of Other Indians on Tribal Lands.
10 - Licenses to Reside Upon Tribal Lands.
11 - Trespasses on Tribal Lands.
11-A - Recovering Possession of Reservation Land.
12 - Highways on Tribal Lands.
12-A - Indian Cemetery or Burial Grounds.
13 - Powers of Departments of Charities and Education in Relation to Indians.
13-A - Payments for Indians.
15 - Freedom From Toll and Ferriage.