A person is guilty of gang assault in the second degree when, with
intent to cause physical injury to another person and when aided by two
or more other persons actually present, he causes serious physical
injury to such person or to a third person.
Gang assault in the second degree is a class C felony.
Structure New York Laws
Article 120 - Assault and Related Offenses
120.00 - Assault in the Third Degree.
120.01 - Reckless Assault of a Child by a Child Day Care Provider.
120.02 - Reckless Assault of a Child.
120.03 - Vehicular Assault in the Second Degree.
120.04 - Vehicular Assault in the First Degree.
120.04-A - Aggravated Vehicular Assault.
120.05 - Assault in the Second Degree.
120.06 - Gang Assault in the Second Degree.
120.07 - Gang Assault in the First Degree.
120.10 - Assault in the First Degree.
120.11 - Aggravated Assault Upon a Police Officer or a Peace Officer.
120.12 - Aggravated Assault Upon a Person Less Than Eleven Years Old.
120.13 - Menacing in the First Degree.
120.14 - Menacing in the Second Degree.
120.15 - Menacing in the Third Degree.
120.16 - Hazing in the First Degree.
120.17 - Hazing in the Second Degree.
120.18 - Menacing a Police Officer or Peace Officer.
120.20 - Reckless Endangerment in the Second Degree.
120.25 - Reckless Endangerment in the First Degree.
120.30 - Promoting a Suicide Attempt.
120.35 - Promoting a Suicide Attempt; When Punishable as Attempt to Commit Murder.
120.45 - Stalking in the Fourth Degree.
120.50 - Stalking in the Third Degree.
120.55 - Stalking in the Second Degree.