ยง 12. Forfeiture of commodities exposed for sale on Sunday. In
addition to the penalty imposed by section four, all property and
commodities exposed for sale on the first day of the week in violation
of the provisions of this article shall be forfeited. Upon conviction of
the offender by a justice of the peace of a county, or by any police
justice or magistrate, such officer shall issue a warrant for the
seizure of the forfeited articles, which, when seized, shall be sold on
one day's notice, and the proceeds paid to the overseers of the poor,
for the use of the poor of the town or city.
Structure New York Laws
4 - Punishment for Sabbath Breaking.
5 - Labor Prohibited on Sunday.
6 - Persons Observing Another Day as a Sabbath.
7 - Public Sports and Exercises on Sunday.
8 - Trades, Manufactures, and Mechanical Employments Prohibited on Sunday.
10 - Prosecutions for Conducting Business on Sunday by Certain Persons.
11 - Serving Civil Process on Sunday.
12 - Forfeiture of Commodities Exposed for Sale on Sunday.
13 - Maliciously Serving Process on Saturday on Person Who Keeps Saturday as Holy Time.