New York Laws
Article 9 - District Steam Corporations.
114 - Entry by Agent to Cut Off Steam.

ยง 114. Entry by agent to cut off steam. If any person, corporation or
association supplied with steam by any such corporation, shall neglect
or refuse to pay the rent or remuneration for such steam, or for the
meter, device, pipes, fittings or appliances, furnished by such
corporation it may thereupon prevent the steam from entering the
premises of such person, persons, corporation or association. If a
person is liable to a forfeiture, or to fine or imprisonment, for a
wrong or offense committed against the corporation, its agents, or
property for which such forfeiture, fine or penalty is imposed by law,
such corporation may also prevent the steam from entering the premises
of the person so liable, or if such person be an officer or agent of any
corporation or association, prevent the steam from entering the premises
of such corporation or association. In all cases in which such
corporation is authorized to prevent the steam from entering any
premises, it may, by its officers, agents or workmen, enter into or on
such premises between the hours of eight o'clock in the forenoon and six
o'clock in the afternoon and cut off, disconnect, separate and carry
away any meter, device, pipe, fitting or other property of the
corporation; and may cut off, disconnect and separate any meter, device,
pipe or fitting, whether the property of the corporation or not, from
the mains or pipes of such corporation.