New York Laws
Part 1 - Vocational Education and Extension Boards
1101 - Establishment of County Vocational Education and Extension Boards.

ยง 1101. Establishment of county vocational education and extension

1. The board of supervisors or other governing elective body of any
county may adopt a resolution by a majority vote of the members of the
board establishing a county vocational education and extension board for
the purpose of giving instruction in agriculture and home economics and
such other special subjects as may be approved by the commissioner of

2. Upon the adoption of the resolution as provided in the preceding
subdivision the board of supervisors or other governing elective body
shall appoint a board which shall be known as "The Vocational Education
and Extension Board of the County of .................... " (insert here
the name of the county). Such board shall consist of nine members who
shall serve for a period of nine years each except that members first
appointed shall be appointed for such terms that the term of one member
will expire each year, and their successors shall thereafter each be
appointed for a full term of nine years respectively. At least three
members of this board shall be appointed upon recommendations made by
the farm and home bureau associations of the county and at least three
members upon recommendations made by the district superintendents of the
county. Vacancies occurring in such office shall be filled by the board
of supervisors or other governing elective body for the unexpired term.

3. The fiscal year of the vocational education and extension board of
each county shall begin on July first and end on June thirtieth.

4. A county vocational education and extension board established
pursuant to this section is hereby created a body corporate. All
property which is now vested in, or shall hereafter be transferred to, a
county vocational education and extension board shall be held by it as a