ยง 108. Exemptions. Nothing contained in this article shall be
construed as extending the provisions hereof to:
1. judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings, except proceedings of the
public service commission and zoning boards of appeals;
2. a. deliberations of political committees, conferences and caucuses.
b. for purposes of this section, the deliberations of political
committees, conferences and caucuses means a private meeting of members
of the senate or assembly of the state of New York, or of the
legislative body of a county, city, town or village, who are members or
adherents of the same political party, without regard to (i) the subject
matter under discussion, including discussions of public business, (ii)
the majority or minority status of such political committees,
conferences and caucuses or (iii) whether such political committees,
conferences and caucuses invite staff or guests to participate in their
deliberations; and
3. any matter made confidential by federal or state law.