New York Laws
Article 5-B - Ruthenian Greek Catholic Churches.
101 - Government of Incorporated Ruthenian Greek Catholic Churches.

ยง 101. Government of incorporated Ruthenian Greek Catholic churches.
The bishop, or in case of vacancy in the office of the bishop, then the
administrator, the chancellor of the diocese to which any incorporated
Ruthenian Greek Catholic church belongs, together with the pastor of
said church, shall by virtue of their office be trustees of such church;
two laymen members of such incorporated church selected by such
officers, or by a majority of them, shall also be trustees of such
incorporated church, and such officers, pastor and such laymen trustees
shall together constitute the board of trustees thereof. The two laymen
signing the certificate of incorporation of a Ruthenian Greek Catholic
church shall be the two laymen trustees thereof during the first year of
its corporate existence. The term of office of the two laymen trustees
of an incorporated Ruthenian Greek Catholic church shall be one year.
Whenever the office of any such layman trustee shall become vacant by
expiration of term of office or otherwise his successor shall be
appointed from members of the church by such officers or a majority of
them. No act or proceeding of the trustees of any such incorporated
church shall be valid without the sanction or approval in writing of the
bishop of the diocese to which said church belongs, or, in case of his
absence or disability to act, of his vicar-general or of the
administrator of such diocese.