New York Laws
Article 21 - Vocational Rehabilitation
1005 - Gifts and Donations.

ยง 1005. Gifts and donations. The department is authorized to receive,
accept and use gifts and donations for the purpose of this article which
may be offered, conditionally or unconditionally, notwithstanding
section eleven of the state finance law or any other provision of law.
All money received as gifts or donations shall be paid to the
commissioner of taxation and finance, who together with the state
comptroller is hereby constituted and appointed the joint custodian
thereof and shall constitute a special fund to be used under the
direction of the department for the purpose of this article. A full
report of all such gifts and donations, together with the names of the
donors, the amounts contributed by each and all disbursements therefrom
shall be submitted annually to the legislature as part of the report of
the department.