New York Laws
Article 4 - General Powers of Department
100-B - Comprehensive Report on the Activities of the Office of Strategic Workforce Development.

ยง 100-b. Comprehensive report on the activities of the office of
strategic workforce development. Beginning on February first, two
thousand twenty-four, and every February first thereafter, the
department shall prepare a comprehensive annual report on the activities
and efficacy of the office of strategic workforce development. In
preparing the report, the department shall coordinate with the
department of labor, the department of education, the state university
of New York, the city university of New York, the office of temporary
and disability assistance, the office of children and family services,
the urban development corporation and its subsidiaries, and any other
relevant agency or entity. Such report shall include, but need not be
limited to: aggregate totals for each economic development program
administered directly by the office of strategic workforce development,
and aggregate totals for related programs in other agencies wherein such
program funds are appropriated within the office of strategic workforce
development, the number of awards made since the last report as well as
the number of awards made to date, the number of business partners
secured through such awards, the dollar total of such awards, regional
distribution of such awards, the identified statewide and regional
priority sectors as identified by the urban development corporation with
input from the regional economic development councils including a
description of each such sector, the number of trainees assisted through
such awards, leveraged matching funds associated with awards, program
participation rates, industry trends, and any other information deemed
necessary by the commissioner. The department shall prominently post the
comprehensive economic development report on its website no later than
February first of each year.