New York Laws
Article 10 - Fuel Set-Aside Act
10-107 - Violation; Penalties.

ยง 10-107. Violation; penalties. 1. Any person who violates any
provision of this article or any rule, regulation or order issued
pursuant thereto shall be liable to the people of the state for a civil
penalty in an amount of not less than two thousand five hundred dollars
nor more than ten thousand dollars for every such violation.

2. The penalty provided for in subdivision one of this section shall
be recovered in an action or special proceeding brought by the attorney
general at the request and in the name of the commissioner in any court
of competent jurisdiction.

3. Alternatively, or in addition to the action or proceeding to
recover the civil penalty provided by subdivision one of this section,
the attorney general, upon the request of the commissioner, may
institute an action or proceeding to enjoin any violation of or to
enforce any provision of this article or any rule, regulation or order
issued pursuant thereto.

4. Any action or proceeding commenced to recover a penalty may be
settled or discontinued by the attorney general with the consent of the