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A codicil is a supplement to a will, either adding to, taking from or altering its provisions or confirming it in whole or in part by republication, but not totally revoking such will.
Structure New York Laws
New York Laws
EPT - Estates, Powers and Trusts
Article 1 - General Provisions
Part 2 - Definitions
1-2.1 - Codicil
1-2.2 - Creator
1-2.3 - Demonstrative Disposition
1-2.4 - Disposition
1-2.5 - Distributee
1-2.6 - Estate
1-2.7 - Fiduciary
1-2.8 - General Disposition
1-2.9 - Incompetent
1-2.9-A - Infant or Minor
1-2.10 - Issue
1-2.11 - Per Capita
1-2.12 - Person
1-2.13 - Personal Representative
1-2.14 - Per Stirpes
1-2.15 - Property
1-2.16 - Representation
1-2.17 - Specific Disposition
1-2.18 - Testamentary Beneficiary
1-2.19 - Will
1-2.20 - Lifetime Trust