A. The department shall develop a state health improvement plan that meets accreditation standards of the public health accreditation board or its successor in interest.
B. The department shall conduct state health assessments in order to inform the development, adoption and implementation of the state health improvement plan.
C. The department shall publish the state health improvement plan on September 1, 2018 and at least every five years thereafter. By September 1 of each even-numbered year, the department shall review and update or amend the plan in response to changes and developments.
D. The department shall include the legislature and other agencies and commissions as the department deems necessary in its development of the state health improvement plan so as to give geographic representation to all areas of the state. The department shall ensure that public participation and public input are integrated into the planning process. The department shall convene regional meetings on the proposed plan to allow public review and comment, including oral and written testimony, pursuant to the Open Meetings Act [Chapter 10, Article 15 NMSA 1978].
E. The department shall consult with the governments of Native American nations, tribes and pueblos located wholly or partially within New Mexico in the development of the state health improvement plan.
History: Laws 2004, ch. 51, § 1; 2007, ch. 46, § 6; 2007, ch. 279, § 1; 2017, ch. 87, § 1.
The 2017 amendment, effective June, 16, 2017, required the department of health, at least every five years, to develop a state health improvement plan based on state health assessments and with assistance from the legislature and other agencies and commissions deemed necessary by the department; replaced the catchline; in Subsection A, after "the department", deleted "in conjunction with the New Mexico health policy commission and other state agencies, pursuant to Section 9-7-11.1 NMSA 1978", after "shall develop a", deleted "comprehensive strategic plan for" and added "state", after "health", added "improvement plan", and deleted "emphasizes prevention, personal responsibility, access and quality" and added "meets accreditation standards of the public health accreditation board or its successor in interest"; added a new Subsection B and redesignated former Subsections B through D as Subsections C through E, respectively; in Subsection C, after "shall publish the", deleted "comprehensive strategic" and added "state health improvement", after "plan", deleted "for health by September 1, 2008" and added "on September 1, 2018", after the next "and", added "at least", and after "every", deleted "four" and added "five"; in Subsection D, after "legislature", deleted "health care providers, consumer and patient advocates, health care financing organizations, managed care organizations, major insurers in the state, the human services department, the children, youth and families department, the aging and long-term services department, pharmaceutical manufacturers and other stakeholders" and added "and other agencies and commissions as the department deems necessary", after "development of the", deleted "comprehensive strategic" and added "state health improvement", and after "plan", deleted "for health"; in Subsection E, after "governments of", deleted "Indian" and added "Native American", after "New Mexico", deleted "to include Indian nations, tribes and pueblos", after "development of the", deleted "comprehensive strategic" and added "state health improvement", and after "plan", deleted "for health"; and deleted former Subsection E, which related to the department of health's findings, recommendations and goals related to the department of health's former comprehensive strategic plan.
2007 Multiple Amendments. — Laws 2007, ch. 279, § 1, effective June 15, 2007, changed the deadline for publication of the comprehensive strategic plan from September 1, 2004 to September 1, 2008 and every four years thereafter and required the department to update the plan by September 1 of each even year.
Laws 2007, 46, § 6, effective June 15, 2007, in Subsection C, changed "state agency on aging" to the "aging and long-term services department" and made other non-substantive language changes.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 9 - Executive Department
Article 7 - Department of Health
Section 9-7-4 - Department established.
Section 9-7-4.1 - State health improvement plan.
Section 9-7-5 - Secretary of health; appointment.
Section 9-7-6 - Secretary; duties and general powers.
Section 9-7-6.4 - Interagency behavioral health purchasing collaborative.
Section 9-7-6.5 - Agreements for a replacement facility for Fort Bayard medical center.
Section 9-7-6.6 - Gambling addiction data collection.
Section 9-7-9 - Bureaus; chiefs.
Section 9-7-9.1 - Department of health; office of oral health; director.
Section 9-7-10.1 - Rehabilitation centers.
Section 9-7-11 - Advisory committees.
Section 9-7-11.1 - Findings and purpose.
Section 9-7-11.2 - New Mexico health policy commission created; composition; duties.
Section 9-7-11.3 - Task force created; responsibilities; participants; funding.
Section 9-7-11.4 - Compulsive gambling council; duties; membership.
Section 9-7-16 - Rate equalization for community-based service contractors.