Recompilations. — Laws 1983, ch. 301, § 16, recompiled former 9-6-3.2 NMSA 1978 as 15-1-2 NMSA 1978, effective July 1, 1983.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 9 - Executive Department
Article 6 - Department of Finance and Administration
Section 9-6-3.1 - Office of education abolished; transfer of powers and duties.
Section 9-6-4 - Department of finance and administration; secretary; appointment; qualifications.
Section 9-6-5 - Secretary; duties and general powers.
Section 9-6-5.1 - Planning powers and duties of secretary of finance and administration.
Section 9-6-7 to 9-6-11 - Repealed.
Section 9-6-12 - Fort Stanton development commission; created.
Section 9-6-13 - Duties and powers.
Section 9-6-14 - Trust fund created.
Section 9-6-15 - Department of finance and administration; office of education accountability.