A. The committee, after consultation with the division as to the scope of the study, shall contract with public or private entities to study the magnitude of the problem of hazardous waste generation and disposal in New Mexico, including current and projected hazardous waste generation rates. If the committee determines that generation rates and transportation costs for out-of-state disposal are significant, the study shall address the need, location, conceptual design, ownership and estimated cost of a hazardous waste transfer facility to be located within the state. The facility should be capable of handling both small and large quantities of hazardous wastes. The committee shall provide for public hearing and input during the conduct of the study.
B. If the committee determines that there is a need for one or more hazardous waste transfer and waste exchange facilities, it shall make appropriate recommendations to the legislature.
History: Laws 1985 (1st S.S.), ch. 4, ยง 4.