Immediately upon receipt of the aforesaid certified list of lands in the district subject to taxation hereunder, and of the aforesaid certificate from the board of directors of the district showing the total amount of money necessary for the purposes aforesaid and the several assessments as aforesaid, the board of county commissioners of the county wherein is located the office of any such drainage district, shall separately determine and fix the rate per acre necessary to provide the funds requisite to meet interest upon bonds, if any, deposited under this act [73-8-1 to 73-8-60 NMSA 1978], and payments required to be made under contract with the United States, and also the rate per acre necessary to provide any and all other funds required for the purposes of this act, which rates may be increased fifteen percent to cover delinquencies; and the aggregate of the amounts required for the aforesaid purposes shall be raised by levy of taxes upon lands within the district upon the basis of the rate or percentage of benefits so as aforesaid ascertained, fixed and determined by the board of directors of the district as judicially confirmed and modified. Thereupon such board of county commissioners shall certify to the board of county commissioners of each county embracing any portion of the district, other than the county in which the office of the district is located, the rates per acre so as aforesaid determined and fixed. The board of county commissioners of each county within which shall be located any part of any drainage district shall, at the time of making levies for county purposes, make a levy as, and upon the basis, hereinbefore provided, upon all lands of the drainage district within their respective counties subject to taxation under this act, and shall deliver a notice thereof to the county assessor. All taxes thus levied shall be considered special taxes.
History: Laws 1917, ch. 22, § 28; C.S. 1929, § 40-228; 1941 Comp., § 77-2028; 1953 Comp., § 75-21-28.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Compiler's notes. — The words "this act" refers to Laws 1917, ch. 22, §§ 1 to 60, now compiled as 73-8-1 to 73-8-60 NMSA 1978.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 73 - Special Districts
Article 8 - Drainage Districts Within Federal Reclamation Projects
Section 73-8-1 - [Organization of districts.]
Section 73-8-2 - [Petition; filing; contents; publication of notice.]
Section 73-8-3 - [Publications; language; time and manner.]
Section 73-8-4 - [Hearings; boundaries; election divisions; mandamus.]
Section 73-8-5 - [District officers.]
Section 73-8-6 - [Number of directors and election divisions.]
Section 73-8-7 - [Notice of election; publication.]
Section 73-8-8 - [Conduct of elections.]
Section 73-8-9 - [Majority and plurality.]
Section 73-8-10 - [Providing ballots.]
Section 73-8-11 - ["Resident freeholder" defined.]
Section 73-8-12 - [Canvass of votes of first election; order.]
Section 73-8-13 - [Biennial election date.]
Section 73-8-14 - [Official oaths.]
Section 73-8-15 - [Directors' offices; conduct of elections after organization.]
Section 73-8-17 - [Canvass of returns after organization.]
Section 73-8-21 - [Title and management of property.]
Section 73-8-22 - [Powers of board; judicial notice of district organization.]
Section 73-8-23 - [Elections on bond issues and federal contracts; conduct; terms of bonds.]
Section 73-8-24 - [Assessments for bond interest and installments.]
Section 73-8-26 - [Certification of amounts to be assessed.]
Section 73-8-27 - [Duties of county assessor relating to district.]
Section 73-8-28 - [Assessment rates to be fixed by commissioners of county where district office is located.]
Section 73-8-30 - [Application of general revenue laws.]
Section 73-8-31 - [Warrants; restrictions on issuance and payment; register.]
Section 73-8-32 - [Expense levy; power of constructing system; rights-of-way; state land.]
Section 73-8-33 - [Compensation and expenses of directors and president; offenses; penalty.]
Section 73-8-34 - [Incurrence of unauthorized debt prohibited.]
Section 73-8-35 - [Changing boundaries; effect.]
Section 73-8-36 - [Petition for inclusion of adjacent land; acknowledgment.]
Section 73-8-37 - [Notice of hearing on petition to include lands; contents; expenses.]
Section 73-8-38 - [Hearing; procedure; effect.]
Section 73-8-39 - [Requiring payment of pro rata share of prior costs.]
Section 73-8-40 - [Rejection or acceptance of petition to include lands; orders.]
Section 73-8-41 - [Filing certified copy of order including land, with map; effect.]
Section 73-8-42 - [Recording petition in minutes of board; evidential value.]
Section 73-8-43 - Powers of fiduciaries.
Section 73-8-44 - [Revising election divisions and precincts after including more land.]
Section 73-8-45 - [Excluding land.]
Section 73-8-46 - [Petition for exclusion of land after organization.]
Section 73-8-47 - [Publication of notice of hearing on exclusion of land; contents; expenses.]
Section 73-8-48 - [Hearing on petition for exclusion of land.]
Section 73-8-49 - [Order for denial or approval of exclusion of land.]
Section 73-8-50 - [Filing order of exclusion and new plat; effect.]
Section 73-8-51 - [Revising election divisions and precincts after exclusion of land.]
Section 73-8-52 - [Dissolution of district; petition; election; restrictions.]
Section 73-8-53 - [Canvass of vote; declaration of dissolution; filing.]
Section 73-8-54 - [Special actions for validation of proceedings of board.]
Section 73-8-55 - [Petition for validation of board proceedings; contents.]
Section 73-8-56 - [Hearing on petition for validation of board proceedings.]
Section 73-8-57 - [Demurrers and answers to petition for validation of board proceedings.]
Section 73-8-58 - [Consideration and judgment on petition to validate board proceedings.]