New Mexico Statutes
Article 20 - Soil and Water and Watershed Conservation Districts
Section 73-20-32 - Additional duties of department.

In addition to all other powers and duties of the department, it shall:
A. upon request and within budget limitations, provide land-use planning assistance in the areas of terrain management consisting of flood control, drainage, erosion and measures required for adapting proposed development to existing soil characteristics and topography; and
B. with the advice of the commission, divide the state into six soil and water conservation regions and assign each of the currently created soil and water conservation districts or those created in the future to one of the six geographical regions. Division and assignment may be amended from time to time with the advice of the commission as the boundaries of the districts alter or other conditions warrant.
History: 1953 Comp., § 45-5-47.1, enacted by Laws 1973, ch. 324, § 4; 1977, ch. 254, § 62; 1997, ch. 137, § 5.
The 1997 amendment, effective July 1, 1997, substituted "department" for "division" in the section heading and in the introductory language and, in Subsection B, substituted "advice" for "approval" and "currently" for "presently" in the first sentence and "advice" for "consent" in the second sentence.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 73 - Special Districts

Article 20 - Soil and Water and Watershed Conservation Districts

Section 73-20-1 - Short title.

Section 73-20-2 - Definitions.

Section 73-20-3 - Purpose of act.

Section 73-20-4 - Watershed districts; formation.

Section 73-20-5 - Area.

Section 73-20-6 - Petitions.

Section 73-20-7 - Presentation of petitions.

Section 73-20-8 - Hearing; notice.

Section 73-20-9 - Referendum.

Section 73-20-10 - Repealed.

Section 73-20-11 - Votes; results.

Section 73-20-11 - Votes; results. (Effective July 1, 2022.)

Section 73-20-12 - Directors; election.

Section 73-20-13 - Authority.

Section 73-20-14 - Bonds.

Section 73-20-15 - Loans; repayments.

Section 73-20-16 - Per diem and mileage.

Section 73-20-17 - Budgets; tax levy; limitation.

Section 73-20-18 - Assessment lists.

Section 73-20-19 - Collection of assessments.

Section 73-20-20 - Expenditures.

Section 73-20-21 - Addition of land.

Section 73-20-22 - Detaching land.

Section 73-20-23 - Discontinuance of districts.

Section 73-20-23 - Discontinuance of districts. (Effective July 1, 2022.)

Section 73-20-24 - Supervision by courts.

Section 73-20-25 - Short title.

Section 73-20-26 - Legislative determination; purpose of act.

Section 73-20-27 - Definitions.

Section 73-20-28 - Soil and water conservation commission members.

Section 73-20-29 - Selection of commission chairman; quorum; compensation; function.

Section 73-20-30 - Repealed.

Section 73-20-31 - Powers and duties of department and commission.

Section 73-20-32 - Additional duties of department.

Section 73-20-33 - Soil and water conservation districts; creation.

Section 73-20-34 - Soil and water conservation districts; creation; referendum.

Section 73-20-35 - Soil and water conservation districts; organization.

Section 73-20-36 - Soil and water conservation districts; modification of existing districts.

Section 73-20-37 - District supervisors; election and appointment; new districts.

Section 73-20-38 - District supervisors; election and appointment; organized districts.

Section 73-20-39 - Election of supervisors; district zones.

Section 73-20-40 - Selection of supervisor chairman; quorum; compensation.

Section 73-20-41 - Powers and duties of supervisors.

Section 73-20-42 - Removal of supervisors.

Section 73-20-43 - Perpetuation of districts; continuity of commission and supervisors.

Section 73-20-44 - Districts; description; general powers of districts.

Section 73-20-45 - Specific powers of districts.

Section 73-20-46 - District assessments.

Section 73-20-46.1 - Assessments; limitations.

Section 73-20-47 - Cooperation between districts.

Section 73-20-48 - State agencies to cooperate.

Section 73-20-49 - Repealed.