New Mexico Statutes
Article 14 - Interstate Stream Commission; Protection of Interstate Streams
Section 72-14-9 - Definitions.

As used in Sections 72-14-9 through 72-14-28 NMSA 1978:
A. "engineer" or "state engineer" means the state engineer of New Mexico;
B. "commission" means the interstate stream commission or other department or agency which may be created and charged with the duties and functions of the commission;
C. "works" includes all property, rights, easements and franchises relating thereto and deemed necessary or convenient for their operation, and all water rights acquired or exercised by the commission in connection with such works, and shall embrace all means of conserving and distributing water, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, reservoirs, dams, diversion canals, distributing canals, lateral ditches, pumping units, wells, mains, pipelines and waterworks systems and shall include all such works for the conservation, development, storage, distribution and utilization of water, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, works for the purpose of irrigation, development of power, watering of stock, supplying of water for public, domestic, industrial and other uses, for fire protection and for the purpose of obtaining hydrographic surveys used by the state engineer for determining water rights;
D. "cost of works" includes the cost of construction; the cost of all lands, property, rights, easements and franchises acquired which are deemed necessary for such construction; the cost of all water rights acquired or exercised by the commission in connection with a project; the cost of all machinery and equipment, financing charges, interest prior to and during construction and for a period not exceeding three years after the completion of construction; the cost of engineering and legal expenses, plans, specifications, surveys, estimates of cost and other expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of any project; and administrative expense and such other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the financing and the completion of a project and the placing of the project in operation;
E. "owner" includes all individuals, irrigation districts, incorporated companies, societies or associations having any title or interest in any properties, rights, easements or franchises to be acquired; and
F. "project" means any one of the works defined in this section or any combination of such works which are jointly managed and operated as a single unit.
History: 1953 Comp., § 75-34-9, enacted by Laws 1955, ch. 266, § 1; 1997, ch. 241, § 4; 1997, ch. 246, § 4.
The 1997 amendment, effective June 20, 1997, added the section heading, substituted "Sections 72-14-9 through 72-14-28 NMSA 1978" for "this act, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings" in the introductory language; added "and for the purpose of obtaining hydrographic surveys used by the state engineer for determining water rights" at the end of Subsection C; inserted "in this section" following "defined"; deleted "physically connected or" following "which are" in Subsection F; and made stylistic changes throughout the section.
Laws 1997, ch. 241, § 4 and Laws 1997, ch. 246, § 4, both effective July 20, 1997, enacted identical amendments to this section. The section was set out as amended by Laws 1997, ch. 246, § 4. See 12-1-8 NMSA 1978.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 72 - Water Law

Article 14 - Interstate Stream Commission; Protection of Interstate Streams

Section 72-14-1 - Interstate stream commission; creation; membership; organization.

Section 72-14-2 - Expenses.

Section 72-14-3 - [General powers of commission; interstate compacts; employees; attorney general's duties.]

Section 72-14-3.1 - State water plan; purpose; contents.

Section 72-14-3.2 - Water conservation plans; municipalities, counties and water suppliers.

Section 72-14-3.3 - Interstate stream commission; additional powers; strategic water reserve.

Section 72-14-4 - Budget and plan submitted to governor annually.

Section 72-14-5 - Annual expenditures made under budget and plan.

Section 72-14-6 - Appropriation; how disbursements are to be made.

Section 72-14-7 - [Governor authorized to protect water rights in interstate streams.]

Section 72-14-8 - [Governor may employ persons and fix their compensation.]

Section 72-14-9 - Definitions.

Section 72-14-10 - [Power to purchase, exchange and condemn property.]

Section 72-14-11 - Projects using revenue bond proceeds authorized.

Section 72-14-12 - [Power to cross watercourses and avenues of transportation.]

Section 72-14-13 - Water conservation revenue bonds authorized; extent of state obligation.

Section 72-14-14 - Revenues from bonds to be applied to cost of projects and associated expenses.

Section 72-14-15 - Funds established.

Section 72-14-16 - Bond proceeds to be appropriately credited.

Section 72-14-17 - Commission to set prices, rates or charges; contracts; disposition of property.

Section 72-14-18 - Debt service fund; payments into fund; fund pledged for payment of interest, fiscal charges and repayment of principal.

Section 72-14-19 - Permanent reservoirs for irrigation purposes income fund; Rio Grande income fund; appropriation.

Section 72-14-20 - [Contracts and leases with agencies of United States authorized.]

Section 72-14-21 - [Accounts pertaining to works required; control of construction; collection of revenues; sale of water; suits.]

Section 72-14-22 - Rights of bondholders; enforcement.

Section 72-14-23 - New Mexico irrigation works construction fund created; limitation of liability under act; reparation of damages caused in carrying out powers granted; authority of commission to receive contributions.

Section 72-14-24 - Purpose of act.

Section 72-14-24.1 - Acequia and community ditch infrastructure fund; created.

Section 72-14-25 - [Adjustment of plans and operations to facilitate federal aid to project.]

Section 72-14-26 - Disposition of water for public, domestic, industrial and other uses; reconveyance to grantors.

Section 72-14-27 - [Liberal construction of act.]

Section 72-14-28 - [Powers of state agencies and subdivisions to contract with federal government respecting water projects.]

Section 72-14-29 - Loans from New Mexico irrigation works construction fund.

Section 72-14-30 - [Expenditure of funds for feasibility studies.]

Section 72-14-31 - [Loans to include sums for feasibility study.]

Section 72-14-32 - [Loans to supplement federal funds authorized.]

Section 72-14-33 - ["Project" defined.]

Section 72-14-34 - Budgets required.

Section 72-14-35 - [Exemption from Bateman Act.]

Section 72-14-36 - [Special water revenue bonds of interstate stream commission; purpose.]

Section 72-14-37 - [Special water revenue bonds of interstate stream commission; anticipation of tax proceeds.]

Section 72-14-38 - Terms and conditions of bonds.

Section 72-14-39 - Funding.

Section 72-14-40 - Sale of bonds.

Section 72-14-41 - Guarantee by severance tax funds.

Section 72-14-42 - Approval of issue.

Section 72-14-43 - Legislative findings; state appropriation of unappropriated water.

Section 72-14-44 - Interstate stream commission; groundwater appropriation; water rights purchase; water planning funding.

Section 72-14-45 - New Mexico unit fund; purpose; appropriation.