New Mexico Statutes
Article 4 - County Highways in General
Section 67-4-6 - [Disbursements from road and bridge fund; county road superintendent's plan.]

In those counties where the county road superintendent's plan is adopted, the county road and bridge fund shall only be paid out upon itemized bills or estimates rendered and approved by the county road superintendent, showing in detail the time, place and character of work done, or in detail the supplies or materials purchased and received for county road and bridge purposes, by warrants drawn by the board of county commissioners on the county road and bridge fund.
History: Laws 1921, ch. 135, § 4; C.S. 1929, § 64-204; 1941 Comp., § 58-305; 1953 Comp., § 55-3-6.
Expenditures are by board's warrant on approval of the superintendent. State ex rel. Bard v. Board of Cnty. Comm'rs, 1935-NMSC-014, 39 N.M. 119, 41 P.2d 1105.
County road fund is intended to be used for the establishment, construction and maintenance of county roads and may not be used for other purposes nor may the same be transferred to other county funds. A highway traffic patrolman is not even remotely connected with the construction and maintenance of county roads and his salary cannot properly be chargeable or disbursed from the county road fund. 1955 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 55-6110.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 67 - Highways

Article 4 - County Highways in General

Section 67-4-1 - Repealed.

Section 67-4-2 - [County commissioners succeed to powers and duties of county road superintendents.]

Section 67-4-3 - [County road superintendent; employment; powers.]

Section 67-4-4 - County road contracts with state transportation commission.

Section 67-4-5 - [Road districts; establishment; road supervisor; appointment; powers.]

Section 67-4-6 - [Disbursements from road and bridge fund; county road superintendent's plan.]

Section 67-4-7 - Disbursements from road fund; state transportation commission plan.

Section 67-4-8 - [Disbursements from road and bridge fund; road supervisor's plan.]

Section 67-4-9 - Repealed.

Section 67-4-10 - Budget contents; limitations.

Section 67-4-11 - Unlawful to transfer money from county road and bridge fund to any other county fund.

Section 67-4-12 - Rights of way; road location changes.

Section 67-4-13 - Road maintenance; insufficiency of state funds.

Section 67-4-14 - Repealed.

Section 67-4-15 - [Violation of 67-4-3 to 67-4-16 NMSA 1978; penalty; disposition of fines.]

Section 67-4-16 - [Misuse of funds and other violations; liability on bond; removal from office.]

Section 67-4-17 - [Cooperative agreements with federal government.]

Section 67-4-18 - [Portion of proceeds of tax levies paid to municipalities.]

Section 67-4-19 - [Municipal "street paving and improvement fund"; purposes for which used.]

Section 67-4-20 - Local county roads; assessment for maintenance; lien.

Section 67-4-21 - County lien; filing; contents; interest.

Section 67-4-22 - Effect of filing notice of lien.

Section 67-4-23 - Manner of releasing lien.

Section 67-4-24 - County lien; foreclosure; joinder of defendants; complaint; several judgment; lien recitals as prima facie evidence; attorney fee.