New Mexico Statutes
Article 3 - State Transportation Commission
Section 67-3-28.2 - Local governments road fund created; uses.

A. There is created in the state treasury the "local governments road fund" to be administered by the department. All income received from investment of the fund shall be credited to the fund. No money in the fund shall be used by the department to administer any program, and except as provided in Subsection E of this section, no entity receiving a distribution pursuant to a program requiring matching funds shall use another distribution made pursuant to this section to meet the match required.
B. The department may use up to five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) annually from the local governments road fund, to purchase at fair market value, for municipalities, counties and land grants-mercedes that can demonstrate financial hardship as determined by the department, automotive, major road and miscellaneous equipment that would otherwise be sold at auction by the department as unusable for department purposes. The department shall adopt rules setting the procedure to carry out the purposes of this subsection.
C. Except for the amounts in Subsections B and E of this section, money in the local governments road fund shall be distributed in the following amounts for the specified purposes:
(1) forty-two percent for the cooperative agreements program, to be used solely for the cooperative agreements entered into pursuant to Section 67-3-28 NMSA 1978 and in accordance with the match authorized pursuant to Section 67-3-32 NMSA 1978; provided, however, that distribution amounts made pursuant to this paragraph in each year shall be based on the following allocations:
(a) thirty-three percent for agreements entered into with counties;
(b) forty-nine percent for agreements entered into with municipalities;
(c) fourteen percent for agreements entered into with school districts; and
(d) four percent for agreements entered into with other entities;
(2) sixteen percent for the municipal arterial program, to be used solely for the necessary project development, construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance, repair and right-of-way and material acquisition of and for those streets that are principal extensions of rural state highways and of other streets not on the state highway system but that qualify under the designated criteria established by the department. In entering into agreements with municipalities to provide funds for any project qualifying for the municipal arterial program, the department shall give preference to municipalities that contribute an amount equal to at least twenty-five percent of the project cost, including a contribution made through funding received pursuant to Subsection E of this section;
(3) sixteen percent for school bus routes, to be used solely for cooperative agreements entered into pursuant to Section 67-3-28 NMSA 1978 and in accordance with the match authorized pursuant to Section 67-3-32 NMSA 1978 for acquiring rights of way and constructing, maintaining, repairing, improving and paving school bus routes and public school parking lots; and
(4) twenty-six percent for the county arterial program, to be used for project development, construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance, repair and right-of-way and material acquisition of and for county roads for which individual counties have prioritized road projects. Prior to entering into any agreements for projects with the counties for the following fiscal year, in June of each year the department shall determine and certify the amount to which each county is entitled pursuant to the following schedule:
Road Mileage Category Based on
Number of Miles Maintained
by a County: Entitlement to County:
400 miles or under $250 for each mile
401 to 800 miles $100,000 plus $200 for each mile over 400 miles
801 to 1,200 miles $180,000 plus $150 for each mile over 800 miles
1,201 to 1,600 miles $240,000 plus $100 for each mile over 1,200 miles
Over 1,600 miles $300,000 plus $50 for each mile over 1,600 miles.
If in any year there is an insufficient amount in the fund of the county arterial program to certify the total amount to which all counties are entitled, the department shall decrease the entitlement amount due to each county in the same proportion as the insufficiency is to the total entitlements to all counties. Distribution of an entitlement amount and an agreement entered into with a county for any of the purposes for which the money may be spent requires an amount from the county equal to at least twenty-five percent of the entitlement. The county contribution may be made through funds received pursuant to Subsection E of this section. Any uncommitted or unencumbered balance remaining in the county arterial program fund at the end of a fiscal year shall be transferred to the cooperative agreements program specified in Paragraph (1) of this subsection for additional funding of that program in the next fiscal year.
D. The department may transfer funds from the state road fund to the local governments road fund to facilitate cash flow for the funding of these local governments road projects. The administrator of the local governments road fund shall reimburse the state road fund in a timely manner for any such transfers.
E. The department may distribute up to one million dollars ($1,000,000) per calendar year of the money in the local governments road fund to municipalities and counties that can demonstrate financial hardship, for use as all or a portion of the municipality's or county's matching fund requirements pursuant to this section. In order to qualify for matching funds under this subsection, a county or municipality shall provide the department with a financial hardship qualification certificate issued by the department of finance and administration.
History: Laws 1986, ch. 20, § 125; 1989, ch. 117, § 2; 1993, ch. 277, § 2; 1993, ch. 312, § 1; 1995, ch. 6, § 14; 2009, ch. 167, § 1; 2019, ch. 150, § 1.
The 2019 amendment, effective July 1, 2019, authorized the department of transportation to use funds from the local governments road fund to purchase automotive, major road and miscellaneous equipment for land grants-mercedes; and in Subsection B, deleted "No more than" and added "The department may use up to", after "local governments road fund", deleted "shall be used by the department", and after "counties", added "and land grants-mercedes".
The 2009 amendment, effective June 19, 2009, in Subsection A, in the third sentence, after "administer any program, and", added "except as provided in Subsection E of this section"; in Subsection C, after "amounts in Subsections B", added "and E"; in Paragraph (2) of Subsection C, at the end of the last sentence, added "including a contribution made through funding received pursuant to Subsection E of this section"; in Paragraph (4) of Subsection C, in the fourth sentence, at the beginning of the sentence, added "The county contribution may be made through funds received pursuant to Subsection E of this section"; and added Subsection E.
The 1995 amendment, effective July 1, 1995, inserted "cooperative agreements entered into pursuant to Section 67-3-28 NMSA 1978 and in accordance with the match authorized pursuant to Section 67-3-32 NMSA 1978 for" in Paragraph C(3) and made minor stylistic changes.
1993 amendments. — Laws 1993, ch. 277, § 2, effective June 18, 1993, deleting "state highway" before "department" in the first and second sentences of Subsection A, the first sentence of Subsection B(2), the second sentence of Subsection B(4), and the first sentence of the second undesignated paragraph of Subsection B; deleting "for construction, maintenance, repair, improvement and paving of public highways and streets and public school parking lots" after "67-3-32 NMSA 1978" near the middle of the introductory language of Subsection B(1); substituting "project development, construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance, repair and right-of-way and material acquisition of and for those" for "construction or reconstruction of those" in the first sentence of Subsection B(2); substituting "department" for "state highway commission" in the second sentence of Subsection B(2) and the first sentence of Subsection C; making stylistic changes in both sentences of Subsection B(2); inserting "acquiring rights of way and constructing" in Subsection B(3); substituting "project development, construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance, repair, right-of-way and material acquisition of and for" for "construction, reconstruction, improvement and maintenance of" in the first sentence and "1201" for "1200" near the end, in Subsection B(4); and substituting "this subsection" for "Subsection B of this section" in the last sentence of Subsection B, was approved April 7, 1993. However, Laws 1993, ch. 312, § 1, effective June 18, 1993, also amending this section by making the same changes as Laws 1993, ch. 277, except for the stylistic changes in former Subsection B and, in addition, adding present Subsection B, redesignating former Subsections B and C as present Subsections C, and adding "Except for the amount in Subsection B of this section" to the beginning of the first Subsection C, was approved April 8, 1993. This section was set out as amended by Laws 1993, ch. 312, § 1. See 12-1-8 NMSA 1978.
The 1989 amendment, effective March 28, 1989, deleted a semicolon preceding "created" in the catchline; in Subsection B(1) substituted "maintenance, repair, improvement and paving of public highways and streets and public school parking lots" for "and improvement of public highways and streets" in the introductory paragraph; and in Subsection B(3) substituted "improving and paving school bus routes and public school parking lots" for "and improving school bus routes".

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 67 - Highways

Article 3 - State Transportation Commission

Section 67-3-1 - Reimbursement of state transportation commissioners.

Section 67-3-2 - State transportation commissioners; number; appointment; powers; term of office; bond.

Section 67-3-3 - State transportation commission districts; one member appointed from each district; residence requirements.

Section 67-3-4 - Method and time of appointment of commissioners.

Section 67-3-5 - Removal of commissioners.

Section 67-3-6 - Creation of department of transportation.

Section 67-3-7 - Secretary of transportation; appointment; qualifications; bond.

Section 67-3-8 - Powers and duties of secretary.

Section 67-3-8.1 - Secretary; authority to enter into intergovernmental agreement; gasoline tax sharing agreement; qualified tribe.

Section 67-3-8.2 - Secretary; authority to sell or otherwise dispose of property or property interest.

Section 67-3-8.3 - Disposition of surplus personal property or materials.

Section 67-3-9 - [Office.]

Section 67-3-10 - Meetings; oaths; seal; policy.

Section 67-3-11 - Rule-making power.

Section 67-3-12 - Powers and duties.

Section 67-3-13 - Repealed.

Section 67-3-14 - State transportation commission; powers and duties; road funds.

Section 67-3-15 - [Duty to advise towns, villages and counties; highway system for state.]

Section 67-3-16 - [General duty to construct, repair and maintain highways.]

Section 67-3-17 - Snow removal from designated skiing area parking facilities.

Section 67-3-18 - [Skiing area with parking facilities; rejection of snow removal services.]

Section 67-3-19 - Duty to repair and maintain state park roads, bridges and parking areas.

Section 67-3-20 - El Camino Real; supervision and control.

Section 67-3-21 - [Investigations and experiments; reports; cooperation of state educational institutions; costs; publications.]

Section 67-3-22 - State transportation commission; annual report.

Section 67-3-23 - Secretary of transportation; appointment.

Section 67-3-24 - Employees; appointment; compensation.

Section 67-3-25 - Repealed.

Section 67-3-26 - Duties of secretary; disbursement of state road fund.

Section 67-3-27 - Repealed.

Section 67-3-28 - Cooperation with the state, municipalities, counties, school districts, adjoining states and federal agencies.

Section 67-3-28.1 - Repealed.

Section 67-3-28.2 - Local governments road fund created; uses.

Section 67-3-28.3 - Secretary of highway and transportation; counties; public roads maintained by counties; duties.

Section 67-3-29 - Department personnel; county and municipal road technical assistance.

Section 67-3-30 - Counties authorized to contract with commission; insufficient funds; exemption from Bateman Act.

Section 67-3-31 - County roads; improvement or construction; state aid; duties of state highway engineer.

Section 67-3-32 - Cooperative agreements; preference.

Section 67-3-33 - Assent to federal rural post road acts; pledge of state's good faith; expenditures.

Section 67-3-34 - Federal aid road project; document execution.

Section 67-3-35 - Auditor; appointment; duties; bond.

Section 67-3-36 - Acquisition of rights of way; duty of county and district attorney.

Section 67-3-37 - Acquisition of rights of way for interstate system; primary system; secondary system; payment.

Section 67-3-38 - Action by state transportation commission.

Section 67-3-39 - Waiver of immunity.

Section 67-3-40 - Control of state highways; maintenance costs.

Section 67-3-41 - Highway maintenance contracts with counties; failure of county to maintain; utility lines.

Section 67-3-42 - Bridges considered part of highway.

Section 67-3-43 - Road work; bid advertising; restrictions; rejection; bond.

Section 67-3-45 - Repealed.

Section 67-3-46 - Rental of equipment; bids not required in emergencies; bid procedure; restrictions.

Section 67-3-47 - [Contracts for state aid roads; execution; restrictions.]

Section 67-3-48 - Partial payments on road contracts; progress estimates; limitation; division of amounts.

Section 67-3-49 - Claims of highway contractor's creditors; state highway suspense fund.

Section 67-3-50 - Account closing; nonliability.

Section 67-3-51 - [Restrictions on disbursements from suspense fund.]

Section 67-3-52 - Payment from state highway suspense fund.

Section 67-3-53 - [Reversion of suspense fund balances.]

Section 67-3-54 - Flight strips, airport and access roads; contracts with federal government; secretary.

Section 67-3-55 - Flight strips, airports and access roads; bidding procedures; bond.

Section 67-3-56 - State transportation commission; power to acquire land for flight strip, airport or access thereto.

Section 67-3-57 - Annual appropriation; purposes.

Section 67-3-58 - Allotment of appropriation.

Section 67-3-59 - [Balances; continuation of appropriation.]

Section 67-3-59.1 - State highway debentures; issuance; limits; approval; coupons.

Section 67-3-59.2 - Highway infrastructure fund created; purpose.

Section 67-3-59.3 - State transportation project bonds; issuance; procedures; approval.

Section 67-3-59.4 - State transportation project bonds; authorization and appropriation; priorities; criteria; reports.

Section 67-3-60 - Bypasses and relocation projects; expenditure of highway funds; purpose.

Section 67-3-61 - Limitation of expenditures of highway funds for construction of highway bypasses.

Section 67-3-62 - Provisions for pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian traffic required.

Section 67-3-63 - Construction and maintenance of footpaths, bicycle lanes and bridle paths; expenditure of funds authorized.

Section 67-3-64 - Ramps for handicapped required.

Section 67-3-65 - State road fund created.

Section 67-3-65.1 - State road fund distribution.

Section 67-3-66 - Motor vehicle department [division] fees imposed by regulation; revenue disposition.

Section 67-3-67 - Name.

Section 67-3-68 - Purpose and interpretation.

Section 67-3-69 - Power to state highway and transportation department.

Section 67-3-70 - Use of appropriated funds.

Section 67-3-71 - State highway and transportation department; power to acquire property for transportation systems; power of eminent domain.

Section 67-3-71.1 - Right-of-way agreements; Navajo Nation; terms.

Section 67-3-72 - Transportation bonds.

Section 67-3-73 - Transportation bonds; terms.

Section 67-3-74 - Refunding bonds.

Section 67-3-75 - Transportation bonds eligible for investment.

Section 67-3-76 - Transportation bonds; exemption from taxation.

Section 67-3-77 - Definition.

Section 67-3-78 - Transportation project fund created; planning and prioritization of funding transportation projects for counties, municipalities and Indian nations, tribes and pueblos.

Appendix - Appendix to Article 3