As used in the Litter Control and Beautification Act:
A. "keep America beautiful program" means a comprehensive program to end littering, improve recycling and beautify American communities;
B. "committee" means the New Mexico clean and beautiful advisory committee;
C. "department" means the tourism department;
D. "litter" means weeds, graffiti and all waste material, including disposable packages or containers, but not including the waste of the primary processes of mining, logging, sawmilling or farming;
E. "New Mexico clean and beautiful program" means the statewide keep America beautiful program established by the department to carry out the purposes of the Litter Control and Beautification Act;
F. "person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, firm, receiver, guardian, trustee, executor, administrator, fiduciary or representative or group of individuals or entities of any kind;
G. "public place" means an area that is used or held out for use by the public, whether owned or operated by public or private interests;
H. "recycling" means the collection, separation or processing and return to the economic mainstream of raw materials or products that would otherwise become solid waste; and
I. "tourism region" means one of the following:
(1) the central region consisting of Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance and Valencia counties;
(2) the north-central region consisting of Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Santa Fe and Taos counties;
(3) the northeast region consisting of Colfax, Guadalupe, Harding, Mora, Quay, San Miguel and Union counties;
(4) the northwest region consisting of Cibola, McKinley and San Juan counties;
(5) the southeast region consisting of Chaves, Curry, De Baca, Eddy, Lea, Lincoln, Otero and Roosevelt counties; and
(6) the southwest region consisting of Catron, Dona Ana, Grant, Hidalgo, Luna, Sierra and Socorro counties.
History: Laws 1985, ch. 23, § 3; 1989, ch. 10, § 2; 1993, ch. 275, § 1; 2001, ch. 140, § 1; 2017, ch. 30, § 1; 2020, ch. 33, § 3.
The 2020 amendment, effective May 20, 2020, revised the definition of "keep America beautiful program", removed the definition of "keep New Mexico beautiful, incorporated", added the definition of "New Mexico clean and beautiful program", and changed "regional tourism district" to "tourism region" as used in the Litter Control and Beautification Act; in Subsection A, after "America beautiful", deleted "system" and added "program", after "comprehensive program to", deleted "improve waste handling practices and the control of litter" and added "end littering, improve recycling and beautify American communities"; deleted Subsection B, which defined "keep New Mexico beautiful, incorporated", and redesignated former Subsections C through E as Subsections B through D, respectively; added a new Subsection E; and in Subsection I, deleted "regional tourism district" and added "tourism region", and redesignated former Paragraphs I(a) through I(f) as Paragraphs I(1) through I(6).
The 2017 amendment, effective July 1, 2017, defined "committee" and "regional tourism district" for purposes of the Litter Control and Beautification Act, and removed the definition of "council" from the act; in Subsection C, deleted "'council' means the litter control council" and added the definition of "committee"; and added Subsection I.
The 2001 amendment, effective April 2, 2001, substituted "tourism department" for "state highway and transportation department" in Subsection D.
The 1993 amendment, effective June 18, 1993, inserted "weeds, graffiti and" in Subsection E.
The 1989 amendment, effective June 16, 1989, inserted " 'system'" in Subsection A, inserted " ', incorporated'" in Subsection B, and "and transportation" in Subsection D, and rewrote Subsection H, which read: " 'sold or manufactured within the state' or 'sales of the business within the state' means all sales by retailers engaged in business within the state and all sales of products for use and consumption within the state in the case of manufacturers and wholesalers".
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 16 - Litter Control and Beautification
Section 67-16-1 - Short title.
Section 67-16-2 - Legislative findings; purpose; intent.
Section 67-16-3 - Definitions.
Section 67-16-4 - New Mexico clean and beautiful advisory committee.
Section 67-16-5 - Clean and beautiful program coordinator.
Section 67-16-6 - Rules and regulations.
Section 67-16-7 - Measurement and evaluation.
Section 67-16-8 - Contracting with other agencies.
Section 67-16-11 - Responsibility for removal of litter from receptacles.
Section 67-16-12 - Further duties of department.
Section 67-16-14 - Litter control and beautification fund; created; beautification fee.