A. As used in this section:
(1) "camera monitor" means a device or instrument that records a visual image of a motor vehicle being operated in violation of a traffic signal's red light directive to stop;
(2) "controller assembly" means a complete electrical device mounted in a cabinet for controlling the operation of a traffic signal;
(3) "rumble strips" means grooves in pavement or rows of raised pavement markers placed perpendicular to the direction of travel in a street or highway lane to alert inattentive drivers to a lane or traffic condition;
(4) "traffic signal" means a power-operated traffic control device by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and permitted to proceed; and
(5) "warning beacon" means a power-operated traffic control device with one or more signal sections that operates in a flashing mode.
B. When a county or municipality, including a home-rule municipality that has adopted a charter pursuant to Article 10, Section 6 of the constitution of New Mexico, uses a camera monitor in conjunction with a traffic signal at an intersection or other location to detect violation of the traffic signal's red light directive to stop, the county or municipality shall install, on streets or highways approaching the traffic signal from directions covered by the camera monitor, a warning sign or signs supplemented by a warning beacon or rumble strips.
C. The warning beacon described in Subsection B of this section shall be installed, together with the warning sign or signs, at a location and interconnected with the traffic signal controller assembly in a manner that will cause the beacon to flash yellow during the period when a person driving a motor vehicle passing the beacon at the legal speed for the street or highway will encounter a traffic signal red light, or a queue of motor vehicles resulting from the display of the red light, upon arrival at the signalized location.
D. If rumble strips described in Subsection B of this section are used, they shall be installed, together with warning signs, at a location in advance of a traffic signal so as to provide a driver, moving over the rumble strips at the legal speed for the street or highway, with warning that if the traffic signal is displaying a yellow signal, the driver will encounter a traffic signal red light, or a queue of motor vehicles resulting from the display of the red light, upon arrival at the signalized location.
E. Warning signs used with beacons or rumble strips shall warn a driver that the driver may encounter a traffic signal displaying a red light at an upcoming intersection and that the traffic signal is photo-enforced. When used with rumble strips, a warning sign shall be installed facing traffic approaching a signalized location on the near side of the street or highway and, if appropriate, a warning sign shall also be installed facing traffic approaching a signalized location on a median dividing opposite directions of traffic.
F. The warning sign and warning beacon described in Subsection B of this section shall comply with signs and beacons appropriate for the purposes of this section provided in the manual of uniform traffic control devices adopted by the state transportation commission pursuant to Section 66-7-101 NMSA 1978.
History: Laws 2007, ch. 368, § 1.
Effective dates. — Laws 2007, ch. 368 contained no effective date provision, but, pursuant to N.M. Const., art. IV, § 23, was effective June 15, 2007, 90 days after the adjournment of the legislature.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 7 - Traffic Laws; Signs, Signals and Markings; Accidents; Weight and Size; Traffic Safety
Section 66-7-101 - State transportation commission to adopt sign manual.
Section 66-7-102 - State transportation commission to sign all state highways.
Section 66-7-102.1 - State transportation commission; speed limit signs.
Section 66-7-103 - Local traffic-control devices.
Section 66-7-103.1 - Advance signal warning required.
Section 66-7-104 - Obedience to any required traffic-control devices.
Section 66-7-105 - Traffic-control signal legend.
Section 66-7-106 - Pedestrian-control signals.
Section 66-7-107 - Flashing signals.
Section 66-7-108 - Display of unauthorized signs, signals or markings.
Section 66-7-109 - Interference with official traffic-control devices or railroad signs or signals.