Recompilations. — Laws 1983, ch. 318, § 36, recompiled 66-5-247 NMSA 1978, relating to past application of the Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act, as 66-5-237 NMSA 1978, effective January 1, 1984.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Section 66-5-201 - Short title.
Section 66-5-203 - Director to administer act.
Section 66-5-204 - Administrative and court review.
Section 66-5-205.2 - Repealed.
Section 66-5-205.3 - Motor vehicle insurance policy; procedures.
Section 66-5-207 - Exempt motor vehicles.
Section 66-5-207.1 - Self-insurers.
Section 66-5-208 - Evidence of financial responsibility; amounts and conditions.
Section 66-5-209 - Meaning of "judgment".
Section 66-5-210 - Settlement agreements for payment of damages.
Section 66-5-211 - When courts to report nonpayment of judgments.
Section 66-5-213 - Exception when consent granted by judgment creditor.
Section 66-5-214 - Discharge in bankruptcy.
Section 66-5-215 - Payments sufficient to satisfy requirements.
Section 66-5-216 - Installment payment of judgments; default.
Section 66-5-217 - Action if breach of agreement.
Section 66-5-218 - Alternate methods of giving evidence.
Section 66-5-220 - Default by nonresident insurer.
Section 66-5-222 - Driver exclusion endorsement form.
Section 66-5-224 - Act not to affect other policies.
Section 66-5-225 - Bond as evidence.
Section 66-5-226 - Cash deposit as evidence.
Section 66-5-227 - Application of cash deposit.
Section 66-5-228 - Substitution of evidence.
Section 66-5-229 - Duration of evidence; when filing of evidence may be waived.
Section 66-5-230 - Surrender of license and registration.
Section 66-5-231 - Forged evidence.
Section 66-5-232 - Sampling; letter to owner.
Section 66-5-233 - Affirmation form.
Section 66-5-234 - Registration; application and renewal.
Section 66-5-235 - False affirmation; violation.
Section 66-5-236 - Suspension for nonpayment of judgment or for false affirmation.
Section 66-5-237 - Past application of act.
Section 66-5-238 - Act not to prevent other process.
Section 66-5-239 - No civil liability.
Section 66-5-240 - Recompiled.
Section 66-5-242 - Recompiled.
Section 66-5-244 - Recompiled.
Section 66-5-245 - Recompiled.
Section 66-5-247 - Recompiled.