A. An excise tax is imposed upon the sale of every boat required to be registered in the state. To prevent evasion of the excise tax imposed by this section and the duty to collect it, it is presumed that the issuance of every original and subsequent certificate of title, other than a duplicate, for boats of a type required to be registered under the provisions of the Boat Act constitutes a sale for tax purposes unless specifically exempted by this section or unless there is shown satisfactory proof that the boat for which the certificate of title is sought came into the possession of the applicant as a voluntary transfer without consideration or as a transfer by operation of law. The division shall collect the tax at the time application is made for issuance of a certificate of title at the rate of five percent of the sale price of the boat. If the sale price does not represent the value of the boat in the condition that existed at the time it was acquired, the excise tax shall then be imposed at the rate of five percent of the reasonable value of the boat in such condition at such time. However, allowances granted for trade-ins may be deducted from the sale price or the reasonable value of the boat purchased. The tax shall be paid by the applicant, and the division may require all information which it deems necessary to establish the amount of the tax.
B. A penalty of fifty percent of the tax due on the issuance of a certificate of title is imposed on any person who, domiciled in this state and accepting transfer in this state, fails to apply for a certificate within ninety days of the date on which ownership was transferred to him or who is domiciled in this state but accepts transfer outside this state and who fails to apply for a certificate within ninety days of the date on which the boat is brought into this state.
C. If a boat has been acquired through an out-of-state transaction upon which a gross receipts, sales, compensating or similar tax was levied by another state or political subdivision thereof, the amount of the tax paid may be credited against the excise tax due this state on the same boat.
D. Persons domiciled outside this state and on active duty in the military service of the United States or on active duty as officers of the public health service detailed for duty with any branch of the military service are exempt from the tax imposed by this section.
E. Persons who acquire a boat out of state thirty or more days before establishing a domicile in this state are exempt from the tax imposed by this section if the boat was acquired for personal use.
F. Persons applying for a certificate of title for a boat registered in another state are exempt from the tax imposed by this section if they have previously registered and titled the boat in New Mexico and have owned the boat continuously since that time.
G. Certificates of title for all boats owned by this state or any political subdivision are exempt from the tax imposed by this section.
H. All taxes collected under the provisions of this section shall be paid to the state treasurer for credit to the "boat suspense fund", hereby created. At the end of each month, the state treasurer shall transfer fifty percent of the excise tax collections in the boat suspense fund to the division, and the balance to the general fund. The amounts transferred to the division are appropriated for use by the division for improvements and maintenance of lakes and boating facilities owned or leased by the state and for administration and enforcement of the Boat Act.
I. The director shall prescribe forms he deems necessary to account properly for the taxes collected under this section.
History: Laws 1987, ch. 247, ยง 9.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Section 66-12-1 - Short title.
Section 66-12-2 - Purpose of act.
Section 66-12-3 - Definitions.
Section 66-12-4 - Operation of unnumbered motorboats prohibited.
Section 66-12-5 - Identification number.
Section 66-12-5.2 - Owner's certificate of title; fees; duplicates.
Section 66-12-5.3 - Prohibited acts.
Section 66-12-6 - Dealer and manufacturer numbers; fee; certificates of origin; records.
Section 66-12-6.1 - Excise tax on issuance of certificates of title; appropriation.
Section 66-12-6.2 - Security interest in boats; filing; perfection.
Section 66-12-6.3 - Security interest in boats; filing effective to give notice.
Section 66-12-6.4 - Forms; investigations.
Section 66-12-6.5 - Prohibited display of dealer or manufacturer numbers.
Section 66-12-6.6 - Dealer license.
Section 66-12-6.7 - Dealer license denial, suspension and revocation.
Section 66-12-6.8 - Dealer bonds; required insurance.
Section 66-12-7.1 - Personal flotation devices required.
Section 66-12-8 - Exemptions from numbering provisions of the Boat Act.
Section 66-12-9 - Boat liveries.
Section 66-12-10 - Muffling devices.
Section 66-12-11 - Prohibited operation.
Section 66-12-12 - Collisions; assistance and reports.
Section 66-12-13 - Transmittal of information.
Section 66-12-14 - Water skis and surfboards.
Section 66-12-15 - Regattas; races; marine parades; tournaments or exhibitions.
Section 66-12-16 - Local regulations; restrictions; special rules and regulations.
Section 66-12-17 - Owner's civil liability.
Section 66-12-18 - Power to regulate.
Section 66-12-18.1 - Safe boating rules.
Section 66-12-19 - Filing of regulations.
Section 66-12-20 - Disposition of fees.
Section 66-12-21 - Disposition of fines.