New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - General Provisions
Section 66-1-4.21 - Additional definitions.

As used in the Motor Vehicle Code:
A. "evidence of registration" means any documentation issued by the department identifying a motor carrier vehicle as being registered with New Mexico or documentation issued by another state pursuant to the terms of a multistate agreement on registration of vehicles to which this state is a party identifying a motor carrier vehicle as being registered with that state; provided that evidence of payment of the weight distance tax and permits obtained under either the Special Fuels Supplier Tax Act [Chapter 7, Article 16A NMSA 1978] or Trip Tax Act [Chapter 7, Article 15 NMSA 1978] are not "evidence of registration";
B. "fleet" means one or more motor carrier vehicles, either commercial or noncommercial but not mixed, that are operated in this and at least one other jurisdiction;
C. "motor carrier" means any person or firm that owns, controls, operates or manages any motor vehicle with gross vehicle weight of twelve thousand pounds or more that is used to transport persons or property on the public highways of this state;
D. "one-way rental fleet" means two or more vehicles each having a gross vehicle weight of under twenty-six thousand one pounds and rented to the public without a driver;
E. "preceding year" means a period of twelve consecutive months fixed by the department, which period is within the sixteen months immediately preceding the commencement of the registration or license year for which proportional registration is sought. The department, in fixing that period, shall make it conform to the terms, conditions and requirements of any applicable agreement or arrangement for the proportional registration of vehicles;
F. "properly registered" means bearing the lawfully issued and currently valid evidence of registration of this or another jurisdiction, regardless of the owner's residence, except in those cases where the evidence has been procured by misrepresentation or fraud; and
G. "public highway" means every way or place generally open to the use of the public as a matter of right for the purpose of vehicular travel, even though it may be temporarily closed or restricted for the purpose of construction, maintenance, repair or reconstruction.
History: 1978 Comp., § 66-1-4.21, enacted by Laws 1998 (1st S.S.), ch. 10, § 9.