New Mexico Statutes
Article 15 - Rural Electric Cooperatives
Section 62-15-30 - Securities Act exemption.

The provisions of the Securities Act, Chapter 44, Session Laws of New Mexico, 1921, shall not apply to the issuance of any note, bond or other evidence of indebtedness issued, executed and delivered by any cooperative to the United States of America or any agency or instrumentality thereof. The provisions of said Securities Act shall not apply to the issuance of membership certificates by any cooperative.
History: Laws 1939, ch. 47, § 30; 1941 Comp., § 48-430; 1953 Comp., § 45-4-30.
Compiler's notes. — Laws 1955, ch. 131, § 20, repeals the Securities Act, Laws 1921, ch. 44, referred to in this section. For present Securities Act of New Mexico, see 58-13B-1 to 58-13B-57 NMSA 1978.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 62 - Electric, Gas and Water Utilities

Article 15 - Rural Electric Cooperatives

Section 62-15-1 - Short title.

Section 62-15-2 - Purpose; definition.

Section 62-15-3 - Powers.

Section 62-15-3.1 - Subsidiary business activities.

Section 62-15-4 - Name.

Section 62-15-5 - Incorporators.

Section 62-15-6 - Articles of incorporation.

Section 62-15-7 - Bylaws.

Section 62-15-8 - Members.

Section 62-15-9 - Board of trustees; suits.

Section 62-15-9.1 - Duties of trustees.

Section 62-15-9.2 - Limitation on liability and indemnification of officers and trustees.

Section 62-15-10 - Voting districts.

Section 62-15-11 - Officers.

Section 62-15-12 - Amendment of articles of incorporation.

Section 62-15-13 - Consolidation.

Section 62-15-14 - Merger.

Section 62-15-15 - Effect of consolidation or merger.

Section 62-15-16 - Conversion of existing corporations.

Section 62-15-17 - Initiative by members.

Section 62-15-18 - Dissolution.

Section 62-15-19 - Filing of articles.

Section 62-15-20 - Refunds to members.

Section 62-15-21 - Disposition of property.

Section 62-15-22 - Nonliability of members for debts of cooperative.

Section 62-15-23 - Recordation of mortgages.

Section 62-15-24 - Waiver of notice.

Section 62-15-25 - Trustees, officers or members; notaries.

Section 62-15-26 - Foreign corporations.

Section 62-15-26.1 - Distribution cooperative utilities organized in other states; application.

Section 62-15-27 - Fees.

Section 62-15-28 - Taxation.

Section 62-15-29 - Repealed.

Section 62-15-30 - Securities Act exemption.

Section 62-15-31 - "Rural area," "person" and "member" defined.

Section 62-15-32 - Construction of act; inconsistency.

Section 62-15-33 - Conversion of corporations organized under Laws 1937, Chapter 100, into cooperatives under the Rural Electric Cooperative Act, as amended.

Section 62-15-34 - Renewable portfolio standard.

Section 62-15-35 - Renewable energy certificates; commission duties.

Section 62-15-36 - Renewable energy and conservation fee.

Section 62-15-37 - Definitions; energy efficiency; renewable energy.