A. This section applies to actuarial opinions issued after the operative date of the valuation manual.
B. A company with outstanding life insurance, accident and health insurance or deposit-type contracts in New Mexico and that is subject to regulation by the superintendent shall annually submit the opinion of the appointed actuary on whether the reserves and related actuarial items held in support of the policies and contracts are computed appropriately, based on assumptions that satisfy contractual provisions, consistent with prior reported amounts and comply with the laws of New Mexico. The opinion shall comport with related provisions of the valuation manual.
C. Except as excluded by the provisions of the valuation manual, a company with outstanding life insurance, accident and health insurance or deposit-type contracts in New Mexico and that is subject to regulation by the superintendent shall include in the opinion required by Subsection B of this section an assessment of whether, when considering the assets held by the company with respect to the reserves and related actuarial items, including the investment earnings on the assets and the anticipated considerations to be received and retained pursuant to the policies and contracts, the reserves and related actuarial items that are held in support of the policies and contracts that are specified in the valuation manual make adequate provision for the company's obligations pursuant to the policies and contracts, including the benefits pursuant to and expenses associated with the policies and contracts.
D. An opinion required by Subsection B of this section shall be accompanied by a memorandum of support, whose form and substance comply with the provisions of the valuation manual and are acceptable to the superintendent. If, within a period of time specified by the provisions of the valuation manual and upon the request of the superintendent, an insurance company fails to provide a memorandum of support, the superintendent may engage, at the insurance company's expense, a qualified actuary to review the opinion and the basis for it and prepare a memorandum of support. If the superintendent determines that an insurance company's memorandum of support fails to meet the standards provided in the valuation manual or is otherwise unacceptable, the superintendent may engage the services of a qualified actuary to review the opinion and the basis for it and prepare a memorandum of support.
E. An opinion required by this section shall:
(1) conform in form and substance to the provisions of the valuation manual and be acceptable to the superintendent;
(2) accompany an annual statement that indicates the valuation of reserve liabilities for each year ending on or after the operative date of the valuation manual;
(3) apply to all policies and contracts subject to Subsection B of this section and other actuarial liabilities specified by the provisions of the valuation manual; and
(4) meet the standards adopted by the actuarial standards board or its successor and the relevant standards provided in the valuation manual.
F. In the case of a foreign or alien company, the superintendent may accept, instead of an opinion filed pursuant to Subsection B of this section, an opinion filed by the company with the insurance supervisory official of another state if the superintendent determines that the opinion reasonably meets the requirements applicable to a company domiciled in New Mexico.
G. Except in cases of fraud or willful misconduct, an appointed actuary is not liable for damages to a person, except the insurance company that appointed the actuary or the superintendent, resulting from an act, error, omission, decision or conduct related to the appointed actuary's opinion.
H. Disciplinary action by the superintendent against a company or its appointed actuary shall be defined by rules promulgated by the superintendent.
History: 1978 Comp., § 59A-8A-5, enacted by Laws 2014, ch. 59, § 19.
Compiler's notes. — Pursuant to Laws 2014, ch. 59, § 55, the effective date of Laws 2014, ch. 59, §§ 15 through 27 was January 1, 2017. On June 30, 2016, the superintendent of insurance certified to the New Mexico compilation commission and the director of the legislative council service that:
(1) the most recent version of the manual of valuation instructions adopted by the national association of insurance commissioners has been adopted by the national association of insurance commissioners by an affirmative vote of at least forty-two members or three-fourths of the members voting, whichever is greater;
(2) the Standard Valuation Law of the national association of insurance commissioners, as amended in 2009, or legislation including substantially similar terms and provisions, has been enacted by states that collectively represent more than seventy-five percent of written direct premiums, as reported in the life, accident and health annual statements, the health annual statements and the fraternal annual statements submitted for 2008; and
(3) the Standard Valuation Law of the national association of insurance commissioners, as amended in 2009, or legislation including substantially similar terms and provisions, has been enacted by at least forty-two of the following fifty-five jurisdictions:
(a) the fifty states of the United States;
(b) American Samoa;
(c) the Virgin Islands of the United States;
(d) the District of Columbia;
(e) Guam; and
(f) Puerto Rico.
Severability. — Laws 2014, ch. 59, § 54 provided that if any part or application of the provisions of Laws 2014, ch. 59 is held invalid, the remainder or its application to other situations or persons shall not be affected.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 8A - Standard Valuation
Section 59A-8A-1 - Short title.
Section 59A-8A-2 - Definitions.
Section 59A-8A-3 - Reserve valuation.
Section 59A-8A-4 - Actuarial opinion prior to operative date of valuation manual.
Section 59A-8A-5 - Actuarial opinion after operative date of valuation manual.
Section 59A-8A-6 - Rule-based reserve valuation methods.
Section 59A-8A-7 - Minimum standards for accident and health insurance contracts.
Section 59A-8A-9 - Requirements of a principle-based valuation.