New Mexico Statutes
Article 8 - Assets and Liabilities
Section 59A-8-11 - Title insurance reserves.

A. As to title insurance the insurer shall set up and maintain unearned premium reserves as follows:
(1) as to guaranties and policies on property in this state issued prior to January 1, 1957, the insurer shall reserve initially a sum equal to ten percent of gross premiums therefor. The sum so accumulated may be reduced by five percent thereof at the end of each calendar year thereafter;
(2) as to guaranties and policies on property in this state issued on and after January 1, 1957, the insurer shall reserve initially a sum equal to ten percent of the gross risk premium therefor. At end of each calendar year following the year in which the guaranty or policy was issued the insurer may reduce the sum so reserved by five percent thereof.
B. The sums so reserved initially, or maintained thereafter, in accordance with the above provisions shall be considered unearned portions of the gross risk premiums on such guaranties or policies and shall be shown as a liability of the insurer in determining its financial condition.
C. If a title insurer on withdrawing from the title insurance business in this state desires to reinsure with another title insurer all its title guaranties or policies in this state, the superintendent may require the reinsurer to increase its unearned premium reserve by an amount not greater than the unearned premium reserve required of the withdrawing insurer as to the guaranties and policies so reinsured.
D. The term "gross risk premium" as used in this action [section] shall not include charges for abstracting, record searching, escrow and closing services and other related services which may be provided by the insurer, or costs and expenses of examinations of title, or premiums paid for reinsurance.
History: Laws 1984, ch. 127, § 128.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 43 Am. Jur. 2d Insurance § 62.
44 C.J.S. Insurance § 112.