New Mexico Statutes
Article 49 - Prearranged Funeral Plans
Section 59A-49-6 - Trust fund; accounting; deposit, reserves and premium tax.

A. In all cases where funeral plans are sold, all money paid, directly or indirectly, under such agreement, or under any agreement collateral thereto, shall be held in trust for the purpose for which it was paid until the obligation is fulfilled according to its terms; provided, however, that any payment made pursuant to this section shall be released upon death of the person for whose benefit such payment was made, and no payments so made shall be subject to forfeiture. Accruals of interest upon this money shall be subject to the same trust.
B. All funds received as herein provided shall be placed in trust with a trustee pursuant to an agreement executed by the depositor and trustee that shall provide that the trustee shall hold the same in trust for the purposes for which deposited; that the trustee shall pay the same to the depositor upon the filing of a certified copy of the death certificate or other satisfactory evidence of the death of the beneficiary; and that the beneficiary or the beneficiary's duly appointed guardian may, in writing, demand the return of the money, together with accrued interest, if any, less cost incurred in the operation of such trust, and the depositor shall be entitled to receive such money from the trustee for payment to the beneficiary upon delivery of such written demand to the trustee. The payment of such funds and accumulated interest, pursuant to the terms of the Prearranged Funeral Plan Regulatory Law and the agreement herein referred to, shall relieve the trustee of any further liabilities with regard to such funds or interest thereon.
C. Each seller of funeral plans shall submit such accounting or accountings of all money collected or received on account of or in connection with the sale of funeral plans and of all money deposited or withdrawn from a trustee, as the superintendent may reasonably direct, by regulation or order.
D. Funds collected and placed in trust pursuant to this section shall not be used as the basis for the calculation of the capital and surplus, general deposits and fees otherwise required under Section 59A-5-16 NMSA 1978.
History: Laws 1984, ch. 127, § 904; 2018, ch. 57, § 27.
The 2018 amendment, effective January 1, 2020, made conforming changes as a result of the transfer of the collection of insurance premium tax from the superintendent of insurance to the taxation and revenue department; in Subsection B, after "pursuant to the terms of", deleted "this article" and added "the Prearranged Funeral Plan Regulatory Law"; in Subsection D, deleted "The premium tax as levied in Section 102 of the Insurance Code shall not be applicable to money collected and placed in trust pursuant to this section, nor shall", after "placed in", deleted "such a", after "trust", added "pursuant to this section shall not", and after "required under Section", deleted "83 of the Insurance Code" and added "59A-5-16 NMSA 1978".
Temporary provisions. — Laws 2018, ch. 57, § 30 provided that:
A. On January 1, 2020, all personnel directly involved with the audit and collection of the taxes imposed pursuant to the New Mexico Insurance Code prior to the effective date of this act, functions, appropriations, money, records, furniture, equipment and other property of, or attributable to, the financial audit bureau of the office of superintendent of insurance shall be transferred to the taxation and revenue department.
B. On January 1, 2020, no contractual obligations of the office of superintendent of insurance shall be binding on the taxation and revenue department.