New Mexico Statutes
Article 16B - Domestic Abuse Insurance Protection
Section 59A-16B-3 - Definitions.

As used in the Domestic Abuse Insurance Protection Act:
A. "abuse-related medical condition" means a medical condition sustained by a victim of domestic abuse that arises in whole or in part out of an act or pattern of abuse;
B. "abuse status" means the fact or the determination by the insurer that a person is a victim of domestic abuse, irrespective of whether the person has sustained abuse-related medical conditions;
C. "confidential abuse information" means information about acts of domestic abuse or abuse status, the work or home address or telephone number of a victim of domestic abuse or the status of an applicant or insured as a family member, employer or associate of a victim of domestic abuse or a person with whom an applicant or insured is known to have a direct, close personal, family or abuse-related counseling relationship;
D. "domestic abuse" means an act of abuse against a person, an abuse-related medical condition suffered by a person or the abuse status of a person, including a minor, that was caused by a family member or a current or former household member, intimate partner or caretaker, including the following:
(1) attempting to cause or intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causing bodily injury to, physical harm to, severe emotional distress to, psychological trauma to or sexual assault on or attempting to rape or raping another person;
(2) knowingly engaging in a course of conduct or repeatedly committing acts, including harassment or stalking, that are intended to or would cause a reasonable person, or do cause a person, to feel terrorized or seriously threatened that death, bodily harm, sexual assault, confinement or restraint may result;
(3) subjecting another person to false imprisonment; or
(4) attempting to cause or intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causing damage to property for the purpose of intimidating or attempting to control the behavior of another person;
E. "insured" means an individual named on a policy as the one with legal rights to the benefits provided by the policy, except for life insurance, for which "insured" means the individual whose life is covered by the policy. For group insurance, "insured" includes an individual who is a beneficiary covered by a group policy. For any insurance policy, "insured" does not include a person who commits an act of domestic abuse;
F. "insurer" means every person engaged as principal or indemnitor, surety or contractor in the business of entering into contracts of insurance, including life insurance, health insurance, automobile insurance, disability insurance and property and casualty insurance, and includes the insurance services offered by fraternal benefit societies, nonprofit health care plans, health maintenance organizations, prepaid dental services organizations, motor clubs, agents, brokers, solicitors, adjusters and all other persons engaged in a business that is now or later becomes subject to the superintendent's supervision pursuant to the Insurance Code, as well as all alien and foreign insurers delivering or issuing for delivery in New Mexico a certificate or other evidence of insurance coverage;
G. "person" means an individual or entity;
H. "policy" means a contract of insurance, certificate, indemnity, suretyship or annuity issued by an insurer, including endorsements or riders to an insurance policy or contract, and includes a contract, certificate or agreement offered by an insurer to provide, deliver, arrange for, pay for or reimburse any of the costs of insurance services. As applied to a health plan, "policy" includes a plan that is accident only, credit health, dental, vision, medicare supplement or long-term care insurance, coverage issued as a supplement to liability insurance, short-term or catastrophic health insurance plan and a plan that pays on a cost-incurred basis; and
I. "victim of domestic abuse" means a person against whom domestic abuse is directed.
History: Laws 1997, ch. 141, § 3.
Cross references. — For the Insurance Code, see 59A-1-1 NMSA 1978 and notes thereto.