New Mexico Statutes
Article 17 - Standards of Weights and Measures
Section 57-17-18 - Offenses and penalties.

A person who, by himself or by his servant or agent, or as the servant or agent of another person, performs any one of the acts specified in this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon a first conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars ($20.00) or more than one hundred dollars ($100), or by imprisonment for not more than three months, or by both fine and imprisonment; and upon a second or subsequent conviction thereof, he shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) or more than five hundred dollars ($500), or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or by both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court:
A. use or have in his possession, for the purpose of using for any commercial purpose, sell, offer for sale or hire, or have in his possession for the purpose of selling or hiring, an incorrect weight or measure, or any device or instrument calculated to falsify any weight or measure;
B. use, or have in his possession for current use, in the buying or selling of any commodity or good, or for hire or award, or in the computation of any basic charge or payment for services rendered on the basis of weight or measurement, or in the determination of weight or measurement when a charge is made for such determination, a weight or measure which has not been sealed within the next preceding year, by the director or an inspector, unless written notice has been given to the director to the effect that the weight or measure is available for examination, or is due for re-examination, as the case may be, and unless specific written permission to use such weight or measure has been received from the office of the director;
C. dispose of any rejected or condemned weight or measure in a manner contrary to law;
D. remove from any weight or measure, contrary to law, any tag, seal or mark placed thereon by the director or an inspector;
E. sell or offer for sale, less than the quantity he represents of any commodity, good or service;
F. take more than the quantity he represents of any commodity, good or service when, as buyer, he furnishes the weight or measure by means of which the amount of the commodity, good or service is determined;
G. keep for the purpose of sale, advertise or offer for sale, or sell any commodity, good or service in a condition or manner contrary to law;
H. use in retail trade, except in the preparation of packages put up in advance of sale and of medical prescriptions, a weight or measure which is not so positioned that its indications may be accurately read and the weighing or measuring operation observed from some position which may reasonably be assumed by a customer; and
I. violate any provision of this act or of the regulations promulgated under the provisions of this act, for which a specific penalty has not been prescribed.
History: 1953 Comp., § 76-1-53, enacted by Laws 1959, ch. 202, § 26; 1973, ch. 386, § 17.
Compiler's notes. — The term "this act" refers to Laws 1959, Chapter 202, which is compiled as 57-17-1, 57-17-5 to 57-17-13, 57-17-15 to 57-17-18 NMSA 1978.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 79 Am. Jur. 2d Weights and Measures §§ 41, 42.
94 C.J.S. Weights and Measures §§ 8 to 12.