New Mexico Statutes
Section 55-7-504 - Rights acquired in absence of due negotiation; effect of diversion; stoppage of delivery.

(a) A transferee of a document of title, whether negotiable or nonnegotiable, to which the document has been delivered but not duly negotiated, acquires the title and rights that its transferor had or had actual authority to convey.
(b) In the case of a transfer of a nonnegotiable document of title, until but not after the bailee receives notice of the transfer, the rights of the transferee may be defeated:
(1) by those creditors of the transferor that could treat the transfer as void under Section 55-2-402 or 55-2A-308 NMSA 1978;
(2) by a buyer from the transferor in ordinary course of business if the bailee has delivered the goods to the buyer or received notification of the buyer's rights;
(3) by a lessee from the transferor in ordinary course of business if the bailee has delivered the goods to the lessee or received notification of the lessee's rights; or
(4) as against the bailee, by good-faith dealings of the bailee with the transferor.
(c) A diversion or other change of shipping instructions by the consignor in a nonnegotiable bill of lading that causes the bailee not to deliver the goods to the consignee defeats the consignee's title to the goods if the goods have been delivered to a buyer in ordinary course of business or a lessee in ordinary course of business and, in any event, defeats the consignee's rights against the bailee.
(d) Delivery of the goods pursuant to a nonnegotiable document of title may be stopped by a seller under Section 55-2-705 NMSA 1978 or a lessor under Section 55-2A-526 NMSA 1978, subject to the requirements of due notification in those sections. A bailee that honors the seller's or lessor's instructions is entitled to be indemnified by the seller or lessor against any resulting loss or expense.
History: 1953 Comp., § 50A-7-504, enacted by Laws 1961, ch. 96, § 7-504; 2005, ch. 144, § 83.
UCC Official Comments by ALI & the NCCUSL. Reproduced with permission of the PEB for the UCC. All rights reserved.
Prior Uniform Statutory Provision. — Former Section 7-504 [55-7-504 NMSA 1978].
Changes. — To include cross-references to Article 2A and for style.
1. Under the general principles controlling negotiable documents, it is clear that in the absence of due negotiation a transferor cannot convey greater rights than the transferor has, even when the negotiation is formally perfect. This section recognizes the transferor's power to transfer rights which the transferor has or has "actual authority to convey." Thus, where a negotiable document of title is being transferred the operation of the principle of estoppel is not recognized, as contrasted with situations involving the transfer of the goods themselves. (Compare Section 2-403 [55-2-403 NMSA 1978] on good faith purchase of goods.) This section applies to both tangible and electronic documents of title.
A necessary part of the price for the protection of regular dealings with negotiable documents of title is an insistence that no dealing which is in any way irregular shall be recognized as a good faith purchase of the document or of any rights pertaining to it. So, where the transfer of a negotiable document fails as a negotiation because a requisite indorsement is forged or otherwise missing, the purchaser in good faith and for value may be in the anomalous position of having less rights, in part, than if the purchaser had purchased the goods themselves. True, the purchaser's rights are not subject to defeat by attachment of the goods or surrender of them to the purchaser's transferor (contrast Subsection (b)); but on the other hand, the purchaser cannot acquire enforceable rights to control or receive the goods over the bailee's objection merely by giving notice to the bailee. Similarly, a consignee who makes payment to its consignor against a straight bill of lading can thereby acquire the position of a good faith purchaser of goods under provisions of the Article of this Act on Sales (Section 2-403 [55-2-403 NMSA 1978]), whereas the same payment made in good faith against an unendorsed order bill would not have such effect. The appropriate remedy of a purchaser in such a situation is to regularize its status by compelling indorsement of the document (see Section 7-506 [55-7-506 NMSA 1978]).
2. As in the case of transfer -- as opposed to "due negotiation" -- of negotiable documents, Subsection (a) empowers the transferor of a nonnegotiable document to transfer only such rights as the transferor has or has "actual authority" to convey. In contrast to situations involving the goods themselves the operation of estoppel or agency principles is not here recognized to enable the transferor to convey greater rights than the transferor actually has. Subsection (b) makes it clear, however, that the transferee of a nonnegotiable document may acquire rights greater in some respects than those of his transferor by giving notice of the transfer to the bailee. New Subsection (b)(3) provides for the rights of a lessee in the ordinary course.
Subsection (b)(2)&(3) require delivery of the goods. Delivery of the goods means the voluntary transfer of physical possession of the goods. See amended 2-103 [55-2-103 NMSA 1978].
3. Subsection (c) is in part a reiteration of the carrier's immunity from liability if it honors instructions of the consignor to divert, but there is added a provision protecting the title of the substituted consignee if the latter is a buyer in ordinary course of business. A typical situation would be where a manufacturer, having shipped a lot of standardized goods to A on nonnegotiable bill of lading, diverts the goods to customer B who pays for them. Under pre-Code passage-of-title-by-appropriation doctrine A might reclaim the goods from B. However, no consideration of commercial policy supports this involvement of an innocent third party in the default of the manufacturer on his contract to A; and the common commercial practice of diverting goods in transit suggests a trade understanding in accordance with this subsection. The same result should obtain if the substituted consignee is a lessee in ordinary course. The extent of the lessee's interest in the goods is less than a buyer's interest in the goods. However, as against the first consignee and the lessee in ordinary course as the substituted consignee, the lessee's rights in the goods as granted under the lease are superior to the first consignee's rights.
4. Subsection (d) gives the carrier an express right to indemnity where the carrier honors a seller's request to stop delivery.
5. Section 1-202 [55-1-202 NMSA 1978] gives the bailee protection, if due diligence is exercised where the bailee's organization has not had time to act on a notification.
Point 1: Sections 2-403 [55-2-403 NMSA 1978] and 7-506 [55-7-506 NMSA 1978].
Point 2: Sections 2-403 and 2A-304 [55-2A-304 NMSA 1978].
Point 3: Sections 7-303 [55-7-303 NMSA 1978], 7-403(a)(5) [55-7-403 NMSA 1978] and 7-404 [55-7-404 NMSA 1978].
Point 4: Sections 2-705 [55-2-705 NMSA 1978] and 7-403(a)(4).
Point 5: Section 1-202 [55-1-202 NMSA 1978].
"Bailee". Section 7-102 [55-7-102 NMSA 1978].
"Bill of lading". Section 1-201 [55-1-201 NMSA 1978].
"Buyer in ordinary course of business". Section 1-201.
"Consignee". Section 7-102.
"Consignor". Section 7-102.
"Creditor". Section 1-201.
"Delivery". Section 1-201.
"Document of Title". Section 1-201.
"Duly negotiate". Section 7-501 [55-7-501 NMSA 1978].
"Good faith". Section 1-201.
"Goods". Section 7-102.
"Honor". Section 1-201.
"Lessee in ordinary course". Section 2A-103 [55-2A-103 NMSA 1978].
"Notification" Section 1-202 [55-1-202 NMSA 1978].
"Purchaser". Section 1-201.
"Rights". Section 1-201.
Repeals and reenactments. — Laws 2005, ch. 144, § 83, effective January 1, 2006, repealed former 55-7-504 NMSA 1978 as enacted by Laws 1961, ch. 96, § 7-504, and enacted a new section. Pursuant to 12-2A-14 NMSA 1978, the 2005 revision is considered an amendment rather than a new enactment.
Applicability to vehicle title. — Mere possession by the defendant of the truck title which had been assigned to the plaintiff was not effective to invest the defendant with a security interest in the truck. The certificate of title issued by the Motor Vehicle Division was not the type of instrument contemplated by Paragraph (1) (now Subsection (a)). Jones v. Beavers, 1993-NMCA-100, 116 N.M. 634, 866 P.2d 362, cert. denied, 116 N.M. 290, 861 P.2d 971.
Law reviews. — For article, "Attachment in New Mexico - Part II," see 2 Nat. Resources J. 75 (1962).
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 15A Am. Jur. 2d Commercial Code § 56 et seq.; 67A Am. Jur. 2d Sales §§ 807, 1055; 78 Am. Jur. 2d Warehouses §§ 65, 69, 74, 81, 108.
Lack of endorsement or irregular endorsement of warehouse receipt or bill of lading as affecting pledge of goods, 18 A.L.R. 588.
Rights of purchaser of warehouse receipt as against warehouseman, 38 A.L.R. 1205.
Attachment or garnishment of goods covered by negotiable warehouse receipt, 40 A.L.R. 969.
Uniform Warehouse Receipts Act as affecting liens on the property represented by the receipts, 61 A.L.R. 949.
Estoppel of owner of tangible personal property who knowingly or voluntarily permits another to have possession of warehouse receipts, endorsed in blank or otherwise showing ownership in possessor, to deny latter's authority to sell, mortgage, pledge or otherwise deal with the property, 151 A.L.R. 696.
What amounts to acknowledgment by third person that he holds goods on buyer's behalf within statutory provision respecting delivery when goods are in possession of third person, 4 A.L.R.2d 213.
Effectiveness, as pledge, of transfer of nonnegotiable instruments which represent obligation, 53 A.L.R.2d 1396.
80 C.J.S. Shipping § 273 et seq.; 93 C.J.S. Warehousemen and Safe Depositaries § 24.