New Mexico Statutes
Article 7B - New Mexico Research Applications
Section 53-7B-4 - Research applications center; formation; board of directors; public access to meetings and minutes.

A. The department shall, pursuant to the Nonprofit Corporation Act [Chapter 53, Article 8 NMSA 1978] and internal revenue service regulations pertaining to nonprofit corporations, incorporate a corporation with the name "New Mexico research applications center"; provided that, if that name is not available, the department shall select another name that reflects the purposes of the New Mexico Research Applications Act.
B. The articles of incorporation shall include:
(1) provisions for appointing the board pursuant to Subsection C of this section;
(2) provisions requiring that board vacancies shall be filled by the appropriate appointing authority;
(3) a statement that board members, subject to the availability of funds, shall receive per diem and mileage at the rate provided in the Per Diem and Mileage Act [10-8-1 to 10-8-8 NMSA 1978] for nonsalaried public officers and shall receive no other compensation, perquisite or allowance;
(4) a statement that the corporation will have no members;
(5) provisions that prohibit any board action inconsistent with the New Mexico Research Applications Act;
(6) provisions that prohibit the board from increasing the number of directors;
(7) a plan of distribution of the assets remaining after dissolution or final liquidation of the corporation. The plan shall require that, after all liabilities and obligations are paid, all funds of the corporation shall be deposited in the general fund and all other assets shall be distributed to the department of finance and administration; and
(8) any other provisions deemed necessary by the department to ensure compliance with the New Mexico Research Applications Act.
C. The board of directors shall be appointed in a manner that reflects the geographic, cultural and ethnic diversity of this state and provides for representation of the research institutions of this state. The board shall consist of twelve members with relevant experience or expertise in state government, local governments, businesses located in New Mexico, universities, private foundations, national laboratories or investments. The members shall be as follows:
(1) the secretary of economic development;
(2) the secretary of higher education;
(3) the secretary of workforce solutions;
(4) the chair of the New Mexico council of university presidents;
(5) the governor's science advisor;
(6) a member appointed by the governor, who shall be a director of a national laboratory located in New Mexico; and
(7) six members shall be appointed by the legislature as follows:
(a) one member appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, who shall represent the business community;
(b) one member appointed by the majority leader of the house of representatives, who shall represent local governments;
(c) one member appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives, who shall be a president of a New Mexico post-secondary public educational institution;
(d) one member appointed by the president pro tempore of the senate, who shall have expertise in rural economic development;
(e) one member appointed by the majority leader of the senate, who shall have expertise in venture capital; and
(f) one member appointed by the minority leader of the senate, who shall have expertise in health care.
D. The appointed members shall serve terms of four years except that, of the initial appointees, the member appointed by the governor, the member appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, the member appointed by the president pro tempore of the senate and the member appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives shall be appointed for terms of two years.
E. The governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint one of the members as chair of the board. Board members may designate an alternate from within their organization or area of expertise to represent their interest, if approved by the appointing authority.
F. All meetings, minutes of meetings and reports of the board, the research applications center and any corporations formed by the research applications center shall be available and open to the public, except that portion of meetings, minutes or reports in which business-sensitive information, as determined by the board, is discussed. Minutes of all meetings and reports of the research applications center and any corporations formed by the research applications center shall be provided by the board to the legislative finance committee and any other interim or standing legislative committees specified by the legislative finance committee within one month of the date of the meeting or date of the report.
G. The board shall hire a president who shall be the chief administrative officer of the research applications center.
History: Laws 2009, ch. 66, § 4.
Emergency clauses. — Laws 2009, ch. 66, § 16 contained an emergency clause and was approved April 2, 2009.