A. Members are entitled to be reimbursed pursuant to the Per Diem and Mileage Act [10-8-1 to 10-8-8 NMSA 1978] and shall receive no other compensation, perquisite or allowance for service on the board.
B. The secretary of economic development shall:
(1) identify employers;
(2) work with an employer to determine:
(a) the number of New Mexico workers that the employer will employ when it begins to transact business in New Mexico or when it increases the number of workers it already employs in New Mexico; and
(b) the job skills, education and training those workers will require to obtain employment with the employer; and
(3) upon identification of an employer and determination of the employer's workforce needs, as provided in Paragraph (2) of this subsection, convene a meeting of the board.
C. The secretary of workforce solutions shall provide, with respect to an employer identified by the secretary of economic development:
(1) demographic information about the relevant workforce in New Mexico; and
(2) information about relevant workforce education and training opportunities that are available throughout New Mexico, including opportunities offered by or in connection with state post-secondary educational institutions.
D. The secretary of higher education shall provide, with respect to an employer's workforce needs, information about state post-secondary educational institutions through which relevant training and education could be delivered.
E. At a meeting of the board, the members shall:
(1) consider how an employer's plan to begin transacting business in New Mexico or to increase the number of people employed by the employer's New Mexico business would contribute to job creation, employment and economic development in New Mexico;
(2) consider the information provided pursuant to Subsections C and D of this section;
(3) consider whether money in the fund should be used to establish or support a program in a state post-secondary educational institution to train workers for prospective employment with the prospective employer; and
(4) upon unanimous agreement, authorize the secretary of economic development to use money in the fund to establish or support a program in a state post-secondary educational institution to train workers for prospective employment with the prospective employer.
History: Laws 2016, ch. 23, § 6.
Effective dates. — Laws 2016, ch. 23, § 8 made the Rapid Workforce Development Act effective July 1, 2016.
Delayed repeals. — For delayed repeal of this section, see 50-14A-7 NMSA 1978.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 14A - Rapid Workforce Development
Section 50-14A-1 - Short title. (Repealed effective July 1, 2024.)
Section 50-14A-2 - Purpose. (Repealed effective July 1, 2024.)
Section 50-14A-3 - Definitions. (Repealed effective July 1, 2024.)
Section 50-14A-5 - Rapid workforce development fund created. (Repealed effective July 1, 2024.)
Section 50-14A-6 - Board member powers and duties. (Repealed effective July 1, 2024.)
Section 50-14A-7 - Termination of agency life; delayed repeal. (Repealed effective July 1, 2024.)