New Mexico Statutes
Article 14 - Workforce Development
Section 50-14-4 - Duties of the board.

A. The board shall assist the governor in:
(1) developing a five-year state plan that shall be updated annually and revised in accordance with the requirements of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998;
(2) developing and improving the statewide activities funded pursuant to the workforce investment system and the one-stop delivery system, including development of linkages to ensure coordination and nonduplication among the programs and activities described in the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998;
(3) reviewing local plans;
(4) commenting annually on the measures taken pursuant to Section 113(b)(14) of the federal Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act;
(5) developing allocation formulas for adult and youth employment training program funds to local areas in accordance with the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998;
(6) developing comprehensive state performance measures to assess the effectiveness of workforce investment activities pursuant to the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998;
(7) designating local workforce development areas;
(8) developing the statewide employment statistics system; and
(9) preparing reports and applications required for submission to the federal government.
B. The board shall also:
(1) review, evaluate and report annually on the performance of all workforce development activities administered by state agencies involved with workforce development;
(2) develop linkages with the public education department and the commission on higher education to ensure coordination and nonduplication of vocational education, apprenticeship, adult education, employment training programs and vocational rehabilitation programs with other workforce development and training programs; and
(3) provide policy advice regarding the application of federal or state law that pertains to workforce development.
C. To assist the board in fulfilling its duties, it is authorized to establish committees, one of which shall be a "coordination oversight committee". Except as provided for the coordination oversight committee in Subsections D and E of this section, the board shall appoint committee members and assign duties to committees as the board deems appropriate. The chair of the board shall appoint committee chairs from among members of the board.
D. The coordination oversight committee shall consist of the secretaries of economic development, human services, labor and public education; a representative from community colleges; a representative from the commission on higher education; a representative of labor; two legislators from different political parties, one from the senate and one from the house of representatives; the director of the office; and the committee chair.
E. The duties of the coordination oversight committee include the following:
(1) the secretaries of economic development, labor and human services shall propose five-, ten- and fifteen-year regional and statewide strategic plans for employment growth and training in New Mexico for the committee's consideration and possible recommendation for approval to the board as part of the state plan;
(2) the secretary of public education and the representative from the commission on higher education shall propose appropriate education plans for secondary education that address the strategic plans proposed by the secretaries of economic development, human services and labor for the committee's consideration and possible recommendation for approval to the board as part of the state plan;
(3) the committee's proposals to the board shall facilitate a career pathways culture and, at a minimum, include reference to foundation skills as developed by the United States secretary of labor's commission on achieving necessary skills, a job analysis that the economic development department shall produce after consultation with incumbent workers and employers, an available skills assessment and training targets;
(4) the board member from the community colleges shall solicit input from the community college constituency and work with regional and statewide businesses and other partners and the economic development department to create career pathways and align curriculum and facilitate plans with the economic development department, human services department and labor department strategic plans;
(5) the committee shall, after consultation with the state chief information officer, develop and propose strategies for coordination of information technology for the purposes of providing participants access to all appropriate state services; collecting and managing data to allow reporting and analysis of uniform performance data related to all appropriate employment training programs; and sharing and integrating appropriate workforce data across agencies and appropriate nongovernmental partners for identifying needs, setting policy and coordinating strategies;
(6) the committee shall recommend for the board's approval the coordination of program designs to avoid duplication or unproductive segmentation of services; and
(7) the committee shall recommend for the board's approval the coordination of state agency efforts to progress toward comprehensive, customer-driven one-stop centers through co-location of mandatory and recommended partner service delivery points for workforce development.
F. All state agencies involved in workforce development activities shall annually submit to the board for its review and potential inclusion in the five-year plan their goals, objectives and policies. The plan shall include recommendations to the legislature on the modification, consolidation, initiation or elimination of workforce training and education programs in the state.
History: Laws 1999, ch. 260, § 4; 2005, ch. 111, § 6.
Repeals. — Section 50-14-16 NMSA 1978 provided for the delayed repeal of the Workforce Development Act, effective July 1, 2012. Laws 2007, ch. 200, § 24 repealed 50-14-16 NMSA 1978, effective July 1, 2007.
Cross references. — For the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998, see 29 U.S.C. § 2801 et seq.
For the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act, see 20 U.S.C. § 2301 et seq.
The 2005 amendment, effective April 4, 2005, provided in Subsection B(2) that the state workforce development board develop linkages with the public education department and the commission on higher education to insure coordination and nonduplication of employment training programs; added Subsection C to provide that the board is authorized to establish committees, one of which shall be a coordination oversight committee, and that the chairman of the board shall appoint committee chairs; added Subsection D to specify the composition of members of the coordination oversight committee; and added Subsection E to specify the duties of the coordination oversight committee.