New Mexico Statutes
Article 7 - Fire District Bonds
Section 5-7-3 - Fire district bonds; authority to issue; pledge of revenues; limitation on time of issuance.

A. In addition to any other law authorizing a county or municipality to issue revenue bonds, a county or municipality may issue fire district bonds pursuant to the Fire District Bond Act for the purposes specified in this section.
B. Fire district bonds may be issued for acquiring, extending, enlarging, bettering, repairing, improving, constructing, purchasing, furnishing, equipping and rehabilitating any fire district project, including, where applicable, purchasing, otherwise acquiring or improving the ground therefor, or for any combination of the foregoing purposes. The county or municipality may pledge irrevocably any or all of the project revenues provided for the operation of the fire district project for which the particular bonds are issued to the payment of the interest on and principal of such bonds. The net revenues of any fire district project shall not be pledged to the bonds issued for any fire district project which clearly is unrelated in its purpose; but nothing in this section shall prevent the pledge to any of such bonds of any such revenues received from any existing, future or disconnected facilities and equipment which are related to and which may constitute a part of the particular fire district project. Any general determination by the governing body of the county or municipality that any facilities or equipment are reasonably related to and shall constitute a part of a specified fire district project shall be conclusive if set forth in the proceedings authorizing such fire district bonds.
History: Laws 1983, ch. 162, ยง 3.