A. An infrastructure development zone may be entirely within or entirely without, or partly within and partly without, one or more municipalities or counties, and an infrastructure development zone may consist of noncontiguous tracts or parcels of property within three miles of each other.
B. Persons proposing the organization of an infrastructure development zone shall submit a petition, a service plan and any required processing fee sufficient to defray the costs of the applicable county or municipality to:
(1) the governing body of each municipality within which lies any area within the proposed infrastructure development zone; and
(2) the governing body of each county in which lies any area within the proposed infrastructure development zone that is not within a municipality.
C. The petition shall be signed by not less than thirty percent or four hundred of the taxpaying electors of the proposed infrastructure development zone, whichever number is smaller. The petition shall set forth:
(1) the name of the proposed infrastructure development zone;
(2) a statement as to whether the proposed infrastructure development zone lies wholly or partly within another county, municipality or other infrastructure development zone;
(3) a description of the boundaries of the proposed infrastructure development zone or the territory to be included therein, with such certainty as to enable a property owner to determine whether or not the property owner's property is within the proposed infrastructure development zone;
(4) a request for the organization of the infrastructure development zone; and
(5) a request for the submission to the eligible electors of the proposed infrastructure development zone at the organization election of any questions permitted to be submitted at the organization election pursuant to Section 10 [5-17-10 NMSA 1978] of the Infrastructure Development Zone Act.
D. The service plan shall contain the following:
(1) a description of the proposed services;
(2) a financial plan showing how the proposed services are to be financed, including the proposed operating revenue derived from property taxes for the first budget year of the proposed infrastructure development zone;
(3) a schedule of the proposed indebtedness for the proposed infrastructure development zone indicating the year or years in which the debt is scheduled to be issued;
(4) a preliminary engineering or architectural survey showing how the proposed services are to be provided;
(5) a map of the proposed infrastructure development zone boundaries and an estimate of the population and valuation for assessment of the proposed infrastructure development zone;
(6) a general description of the facilities to be constructed and the standards of the construction, including a statement of how the facility and service standards of the proposed infrastructure development zone are compatible with the facility and service standards of any county or municipality within the zoning jurisdiction of which all or any portion of the proposed infrastructure development zone is to be located;
(7) a general description of the estimated cost of acquiring land, engineering services, legal services, administrative services, initial proposed indebtedness and estimated proposed maximum interest rates and discounts, and other major expenses related to the organization and initial operation of the proposed infrastructure development zone;
(8) a description of any arrangement or proposed agreement with any political subdivision for the performance of any services between the proposed infrastructure development zone and the other political subdivision, including, if the form contract to be used is available, a copy of the contract;
(9) a proposed maximum mill levy that will be assessed by the infrastructure development zone and that, upon approval by the governing body, shall be the limitation on the mill levy that may be assessed for all purposes, including operating expenses and debt service on bonds issued pursuant to Section 28 [5-17-28 NMSA 1978] of the Infrastructure Development Zone Act; and
(10) such additional information as the governing body may require by resolution on which to base its findings pursuant to Section 7 [5-17-7 NMSA 1978] of the Infrastructure Development Zone Act.
History: Laws 2009, ch. 136, § 3.
Effective dates. — Laws 2009, ch. 136 contained no effective date provision, but, pursuant to N.M. Const., art. IV, § 23, was effective June 19, 2009, 90 days after the adjournment of the legislature.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 5 - Municipalities and Counties
Article 17 - Infrastructure Development Zone
Section 5-17-3 - Organization of infrastructure development zone; submission of service plan.
Section 5-17-4 - Public hearing required.
Section 5-17-5 - Objecting petition; plan to be disapproved.
Section 5-17-6 - Request for exclusion.
Section 5-17-7 - Action on petition and service plan; criteria.
Section 5-17-8 - Approval of service plan; petition granted; election scheduled.
Section 5-17-9 - Designation of approving authority.
Section 5-17-10 - Organization election.
Section 5-17-11 - Filing resolution and service plan.
Section 5-17-12 - Service area of infrastructure development zones; overlapping districts.
Section 5-17-13 - Approval by an annexing municipality.
Section 5-17-14 - Service plan; compliance; modification; enforcement.
Section 5-17-15 - Inclusion of territory; procedure.
Section 5-17-16 - Effect of inclusion order.
Section 5-17-17 - Exclusion of territory.
Section 5-17-18 - Effect of exclusion order.
Section 5-17-19 - Dissolution.
Section 5-17-21 - Directors; terms; organization of board.
Section 5-17-22 - General powers.
Section 5-17-23 - Park and recreational services; additional powers; limitations.
Section 5-17-24 - Sanitation, water and sanitation or water services; additional powers.
Section 5-17-25 - Subdistricts.
Section 5-17-27 - State capital outlay projects prohibited.
Section 5-17-28 - General obligation bonds; tax levy; exception.
Section 5-17-29 - Special assessment; bonds; imposition.
Section 5-17-30 - Revenue bonds; fees and charges.
Section 5-17-31 - Term of bonds.
Section 5-17-33 - Bonds not obligation of state.
Section 5-17-34 - Exemption from Community Service District Act and Special District Procedures Act.