A. A tax increment development plan may be approved by the governing body of the municipality or county within which tax increment development projects are proposed. Upon filing with the clerk of the governing body of an approved tax increment development plan and upon receipt of a petition bearing the signatures of the owners of at least fifty percent of the real property located within a proposed tax increment development area, the governing body may adopt a resolution declaring its intent to form a tax increment development district. Prior to the formation of a district, the owner or developer of the real property located within an area proposed to be designated as a tax increment development area may enter into an agreement with the governing body concerning the improvement of specific property within the district, and that agreement may be used to establish obligations of the owner or developer and the governing body concerning the zoning, subdivision, improvement, impact fees, financial responsibilities and other matters relating to the development, improvement and use of real property within the district.
B. A governing body may adopt a resolution on its own motion upon its finding that a need exists for the formation of a district.
C. The resolution to form a district shall include:
(1) the area or areas to be included within the boundaries of the district;
(2) the purposes for which the district is to be formed;
(3) a statement that a tax increment development plan is on file with the clerk of the governing body and that the plan includes a map depicting the boundaries of the tax increment development area and the real property proposed to be included in the area;
(4) the rate of any proposed property tax levy;
(5) identification of gross receipts tax increment and property tax increment financing mechanisms proposed;
(6) identification of gross receipts tax increments and property tax increments proposed to secure proposed gross receipts tax increment bonds or property tax increment bonds;
(7) requirement of a public hearing for the formation of the district and notice of the hearing;
(8) a statement that formation of a district may result in the use of gross receipts tax increments or property tax increments to pay the costs of construction of public improvements made by the district; and
(9) a reference to the Tax Increment for Development Act.
D. A resolution may direct that, prior to holding a hearing on formation of a district, petitioners for the formation of a district prepare a study of the feasibility, the financing and the estimated costs of improvements, services and benefits to result from the formation of the proposed district. The governing body may require those petitioners to deposit with the clerk or treasurer of the governing body an amount equal to the estimated costs of conducting the study and other estimated formation costs. The deposit shall be reimbursed from the proceeds from the sale of bonds issued by the tax increment development district if the district is formed and if gross receipts tax increment bonds or property tax increment bonds are issued by that district pursuant to the Tax Increment for Development Act.
E. A resolution adopted pursuant to this section shall direct that a public hearing on formation of the district be scheduled and that notice of the hearing be mailed and published.
F. A governing body of the municipality or county within which tax increment development projects are proposed that adopts a resolution to form a district shall notify the secretary of taxation and revenue, the secretary of finance and administration and the director of the legislative finance committee of the governing body's action within ten days following the date on which the resolution was adopted. A copy of the adopted resolution shall be included in the notice sent pursuant to this subsection. All resolution materials, including fiscal and economic studies, shall also be available electronically to the public.
History: Laws 2006, ch. 75, § 4; 2009, ch. 179, § 2.
The 2009 amendment, effective June 19, 2009, in Subsection A, after "plan may be approved", added "by the governing body of the municipality or county within"; in Subsection D, in the last sentence, after "deposit shall be reimbursed", added "from the proceeds from the sale of bonds issued by the tax increment development district"; and added Subsection F.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 5 - Municipalities and Counties
Article 15 - Tax Increment for Development
Section 5-15-2 - Findings and purpose.
Section 5-15-4 - Resolution for formation of a district.
Section 5-15-5 - Contents of tax increment development plan.
Section 5-15-6 - Notice of public hearing.
Section 5-15-7 - Public hearing.
Section 5-15-8 - Formation determination; election.
Section 5-15-8.1 - Posting of notices.
Section 5-15-9 - Formation of a district.
Section 5-15-10 - Governance of the district.
Section 5-15-11 - Records; open meetings.
Section 5-15-12 - District powers; limitations.
Section 5-15-13 - Authority to impose property tax levy.
Section 5-15-14 - Property tax levy rescission election.
Section 5-15-15 - Tax increment financing; gross receipts tax increment to secure bonds.
Section 5-15-15.1 - Filing fee for evaluating use of state gross receipts tax increment.
Section 5-15-16 - Bonding authority; gross receipts tax increment.
Section 5-15-17 - Property tax increment bonds.
Section 5-15-18 - Bonding authority; property tax increment.
Section 5-15-19 - Refunding bonds.
Section 5-15-20.1 - Debt service reserve account.
Section 5-15-22 - Exemption from taxation.
Section 5-15-23 - Protection from impairment.
Section 5-15-24 - Tax increment accounting procedures.
Section 5-15-25.1 - Base year revision; resolution; comment period; submission of materials.
Section 5-15-25.2 - Base year revision; approval.
Section 5-15-25.3 - Base year revision; effect.
Section 5-15-26 - Termination of tax increment development district.