New Mexico Statutes
Article 11 - Public Improvement District
Section 5-11-2.1 - Formation of a public improvement district; application requirements.

A. An application for the formation of a district shall be submitted to the governing body. Each application shall be supported by a petition signed by the owners of at least twenty-five percent of the real property by assessed valuation proposed to be included in the district and shall contain, at a minimum, the following:
(1) a description of the proposed district, including:
(a) a legal description of its boundaries;
(b) the identity and addresses of all persons or entities with any interest in the property, including submitting a current title report on the property as evidence of the names of persons with any interest in the property;
(c) the names and addresses of any resident qualified electors located within the proposed boundaries, if applicable;
(d) an explanation as to how the district boundaries were chosen;
(e) adequate information to establish financial parameters for the operation of the district, if applicable; and
(f) information regarding the future ownership and maintenance of the public infrastructure improvements or enhanced services;
(2) a detailed description of the types of public infrastructure improvements or enhanced services to be provided by the district, including, if applicable:
(a) the estimated construction or acquisition costs of the public infrastructure improvements, including costs for repair and replacement of public infrastructure improvements;
(b) the estimated annual operation and maintenance costs of the public infrastructure improvements;
(c) projection of working capital needs for enhanced services; and
(d) any governmental approvals and licenses that are expected to be required for both the public and private improvements to be constructed and operated;
(3) a feasibility study containing the information required in Subsection A of Section 5-11-16 NMSA 1978;
(4) a description of the applicant's professional experience and evidence demonstrating its financial capacity to undertake the development associated with the public infrastructure, enhanced services and private development, as applicable;
(5) a disclosure form to owners describing:
(a) that the applicant intends to file an application for formation of a public improvement district;
(b) the purpose of the proposed public improvement district;
(c) a description of what a public improvement district is; and
(d) the rate, method of apportionment and manner of collection of a special levy, if one is proposed, in sufficient detail to enable each owner or resident within the district to estimate the maximum amount of the proposed levy;
(6) certification that the disclosure pursuant to Paragraph (5) of this subsection has been provided to each owner;
(7) a description of how the proposed district meets the existing development objectives of the municipality or county, to the extent that the municipality or county has adopted policies identifying such objectives, including how the district is consistent with:
(a) the goals of promoting orderly development;
(b) the municipality's or county's comprehensive plan;
(c) growth management policies and zoning requirements; and
(d) the municipality's or county's applicable policies for development, growth management and zoning; and
(8) any other information that the governing body may reasonably require after its initial review of the application.
B. The requirements of Paragraph (5) of Subsection A of this section shall not apply if the petition is signed by the owner of all the land in the district described in the petition submitted to the governing body.
C. The governing body may charge a fee to be applied by the governing body to the costs incurred in connection with the processing and review of the application and formation of the district in accordance with this section. Upon formation of the district, the governing body may charge an additional administrative expense fee to be applied by the governing body to the costs and expenses incurred in the formation of the district, specifically the review of the feasibility study and current appraisal of the project.
History: Laws 2013, ch. 45, § 10.
Effective dates. — Laws 2013, ch. 45, § 13 made Laws 2013, ch. 45, § 10 effective July 1, 2013.
Applicability. — Laws 2013, ch. 45, § 12 provided that the provisions of Laws 2013, ch. 45, §§ 1 through 4 and 6 through 10, do not apply to an application for formation of a public improvement district submitted to a governing body prior to January 1, 2014.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 5 - Municipalities and Counties

Article 11 - Public Improvement District

Section 5-11-1 - Short title.

Section 5-11-2 - Definitions.

Section 5-11-2.1 - Formation of a public improvement district; application requirements.

Section 5-11-3 - Resolution declaring intention to form district.

Section 5-11-4 - Notice and public hearing.

Section 5-11-5 - Hearing on objections.

Section 5-11-6 - Order forming district; formation determination; election.

Section 5-11-7 - Notice and conduct of election; waiver.

Section 5-11-7.1 - Posting of notices.

Section 5-11-8 - Formation; debt limitation.

Section 5-11-9 - Appointment of directors; qualifications; terms; resumption of governance by governing body.

Section 5-11-10 - Powers of a public improvement district.

Section 5-11-11 - Perpetual succession.

Section 5-11-12 - Records; board of directors; open meetings.

Section 5-11-13 - Change in district boundaries or general plan.

Section 5-11-14 - Participation by municipality or county.

Section 5-11-15 - Other districts or improvements.

Section 5-11-16 - Project approval.

Section 5-11-17 - Finances.

Section 5-11-18 - Recording documents.

Section 5-11-18.1 - Notice obligations to purchaser; requirements; remedies.

Section 5-11-19 - General obligation bonds; tax levy; exception.

Section 5-11-20 - Special levy; bonds; imposition.

Section 5-11-21 - Revenue bonds; fees and charges.

Section 5-11-22 - Terms of bonds.

Section 5-11-23 - District taxes; annual financial estimate; annual financial estimate and budget; certification to local government division.

Section 5-11-24 - Dissolution of district.

Section 5-11-25 - Limitation of liability.

Section 5-11-26 - Cumulative authority.

Section 5-11-27 - Liberal interpretation.