On July first in each alternate year after July 1, 1914, the district court of San Miguel county, New Mexico, shall appoint a board of trustees to have the control and management of the tract of land known as the Las Vegas land grant, to be known and designated as the board of trustees of the town of Las Vegas, and said board in and by said name may sue and be sued, and shall hold their office for a term of two years, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. And it shall be the duty of said board when so appointed to immediately organize by selecting from among its members a president, a vice president and a treasurer of said board and to employ a suitable and competent person who shall not be a member of said board as the clerk or secretary thereof whose compensation shall be fixed by said board.
History: Laws 1909, ch. 103, § 1; Code 1915, § 852; C.S. 1929, § 29-611; 1941 Comp., § 9-602; 1953 Comp., § 8-6-2.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Compiler's notes. — Laws 1909, ch. 103, § 1, as enacted, contained the following preliminary provision: "The terms of office of all persons appointed as members of the board of trustees of the town of Las Vegas, and now serving as such in conformity with an act, entitled 'An act to provide for the management of the Las Vegas grant and for other purposes,' being chapter 47 of the Laws of the year 1903, or whose appointment was ratified and confirmed by the said act, shall terminate on the first day of July, 1909; and on said date, each two years thereafter," and then followed as in this section with "the district court . . . ." The opening words in this section before "the district court" were added by the compilers of the 1915 Code.
Laws 1909, ch. 103, § 1, as enacted, also contained, just before the present second sentence, "And which said board shall consist of not less than three nor more than five persons, to be appointed from among residents on the land embraced within the exterior boundaries of said Las Vegas grant."
Laws 1909, ch. 103, § 6, read: "The said board of trustees shall have all the power and authority conferred by an act, entitled 'An act to provide for the management of the Las Vegas grant and for other purposes,' being chapter 47 of the Laws of the year 1903, which said act is hereby continued in force, except as to any provisions thereof as are in conflict herewith." By its omission from the 1915 Code, Section 6 was apparently repealed.
See compiler's note to 49-6-8 NMSA 1978, as to name of board.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Section 49-6-1 - [Jurisdiction vested in district court.]
Section 49-6-2 - [Appointment of board of trustees.]
Section 49-6-3 - [Board of trustees; number; residence qualification.]
Section 49-6-4 - [Officers; quorum in board meetings.]
Section 49-6-5 - [Control of board by court.]
Section 49-6-6 - [Bonds of trustees.]
Section 49-6-7 - [Compensation of trustees.]
Section 49-6-8 - [Transaction of business by board; authority of district court to make rules.]
Section 49-6-9 - [Lease, sale or mortgage of land.]
Section 49-6-10 - [Vested rights not affected; issuance of deeds; prior deeds validated.]
Section 49-6-11 - [Investment of funds; permanent school fund established.]
Section 49-6-14 - [Construction of veterans' memorial public school.]